X22 Report (Ep. 2435b) You Are Watching A Show, Moves & Countermoves, Establishment Panic
Land of the Free - 929 vistas
Publicado en 25 Mar 2021 / En Sin fines de lucro y activismo
"The [DS]/D party is struggling, the spotlight is on them, the more they try to do the worse it gets for them. The people are seeing the truth for the first time and the people are waking up. The people are taking back control. We are watching a show, enjoy it. Messages are being sent and the patriots know who is in charge.
Posted on March 24, 2021"
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4 años hace
SO Plain to see...Its Hillarious....Biden..getting on..getting off a Plane/copter...Always Stopping to wave in all 3 points to ALL THE PEOPLE!!!..(LMFAOO But Nobody is THERE!!! just a handful of military traitors/ Treasonous MSM !!!! NOBODY!! hahahaha
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4 años hace
A Great post...especially for ..what I call...."Part time Patriots" !!
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