woman has been charged after trying to burn down Martin Luther King Jr.'s birth home in Atlanta, trying to start a race war
woman has been charged after trying to burn down Martin Luther King Jr.'s birth home in Atlanta, trying to start a race war

So many people acting strange now adays... brainchip being covertly implanted into their skulls with synthetic telepathy telling them to do this and to do that... Brainchips can easily hypnotize an oblivious individual into thinking that god is talking to them... it is weird, but humans are very suseptable to being led astray via mind-controlling brain-interfaces: https://ugetube.com/watch/brai....nchip-zombies-sleepe
The Freemasons are the main secret-force of thUggery which tries to lead patsies into trouble. Shut down the brainchip-hivemind coming through the microwave-grid and most of the suicides and crazy behavior will stop.