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William Cooper Mystery Babylon Radio Series 19 - 68th Convocation of the Rose Cross Order (1916)

JamesRoss - 130 Views
Published on 10 Jan 2025 / In Non-profits and Activism

Exposing "New Atlantis" in this video talks about the spilling of no blood(no Luciferian blood and death, just the non-cUlt people's blood)... The sheeple will just all eventually be brainchipped bio-robots used to kill each other, you see... That is the "No Blood" in the "End-Times". Back in 1916 they already were talking about the genocide of the goyim.

William Cooper reads from the published book of the Secret Societies... Copyright 1916.
Beverly Hall Corporation, Pennsylvania

This exposure by Cooper is important because now the "New Atlantis" NWO is being revealed to the sheeple. Illegals have come to destroy the republic, Russia and China are set-up to invade will US troops are in other countries and cannot protect the Homeland for Freedom and Security. The sheeple cannot see the problem due to being dumbed-down as TV-babies.

The April 8th eclipse will be their marker-post to begin remote-controlling zombies in the streets and destroying the USA and West using sleeper assassins as I have been showing you for years:
But worry not, you are a spiritual being given the power to choose from infinite probabilities within the Creator-God multidimensional universe. You have been given a soul that manifests your flesh into your physical reality. You are at the center of your God-Given perception and you can survive if you believe and desire it. Only you can destroy your own soul through hate, and selfrighteous greed which manifests into murder and genocide of other souls. Since you are multidimensional you are allowed to show your true colors and thus become a hero or a monster. A heroic personality will experience a wonderful afterlife. A murderous monster will have no place to go in the afterlife except into a box of shame or woe. Luciferians and devils are in the process of destroying their souls and they don't even realize it. The ancient Homo capensis lead them all towards unworthiness of their soul-fragments. They stop growing as worthy soul-fragments upon choosing to murder others to apparently succeed in physical life. It is a trick to get them to show their true colors of unworthiness. Their afterlife cannot be avoided with a fake Ai mind-upload... they will be hiding for their soul's eternity in a spiritual box of woe where they will feel safe. Luciferians are chicken-shit people who hide behind murderous technology given to them in order to show their true colors of unworthiness.

Penn Stat Museum Freemasons removed all the Homo capensis evidence from their museum so the sheeple remain dumbed-down.

"Inclusive of the Hebrew" Cooper read... I wonder if all these secret societies have Hebrew roots? A Freemasons putting down the Jews is just talk? They have Hebrew roots?

@14:00 listen for yourself what Rosicrucians wrote in their own document. All these secret societies are "inclusive of the Hebrew."

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