WIlliam Cooper Begins his Mystery Babylon Series with 2001: A Space Odyssey
JamesRoss - 278 Views
William Cooper tried to awaken the USA non-cUlt-sworn people to open their eyes and see the conspiracy of Freemasons and Luciferians setting up a world-wide death-trap built by the Death-cUlt.
All the secret societies are secretly serving the same masters. Many religions are also created by the Mystery School to serve the NWO-takeover, unwittingly of course.
Source: http://hourofthetime.com/bcmp3/29.mp3
You can still donate to Cooper's Hour Of The Time site. Would be nice if the site could begin broadcasting again now that we all know that Cooper was correct.
Support: 2001: A Space Odyssey https://ugetube.com/watch/2001....-a-space-odyssey-is-
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