Widow Speaks! FBI Special agent dies 24 hours After Pfizer Shot
Gee Gee Tee - 489 Views
Published on 28 Oct 2021 / In News and Politics
Another Unfortunate Coincidence...This time a 45 Year Old FBI Special agent dies 24 hours After Pfizer Shot, & Wife, Now Widow, Responds To The Vx Pushers
Safe & Effective. Widow speaks. Another Unfortunate Coincidence...
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3 years ago
Communism, nwo, injustice and tyranny is a bitch - just ask the over 60 million dead in the chinese 'cultural revolution', or over 20 million keilled by stalin, or the over 7 million jews and over 8 million christians kelled by hitler during WWII, and the list goes on....you all are never forgotten! May God bless and heal you and yours in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah for the world and the one name that saves! Amen & Hallelujah!
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