Why Range Cards Could Save Your Life
Range Cards: Why they are vital to home defense and how you can use them to fight back when you're under attack.
Click here to read the article: https://tackleberrysolutions.com/range-cards/
Useful links:
How to deal with difficult neighbors duing a time of war/shtf: https://tackleberrysolutions.com/difficult-neighbors-and-war/
How to become an expert at 360 degree security so that you won't get shot in the back: https://tackleberrysolutions.com/360_security/
Invasion warning signs and what to look out for (it is probably not going to be in a way that you thought): https://tackleberrysolutions.com/invasion/
How to help others and work together during a time of war/shtf without getting your whole opperation compromised: https://tackleberrysolutions.com/wartime_tactics_helping_others/
Excellent info again. Thank you for your efforts to help prepare others.
I’ve heard of creating collection points on larger properties that will appear to be cover to an assault force, only to become a kill zone type of concealment at known ranges to the defender who is well practiced at making that shot.