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Why Own an AR15 ? 1992 Los Angeles riots

Gun Websites
Gun Websites - 939 Views
Published on 26 May 2018 / In Firearms

We started out the 2018 Gun Show loophole tour with the angry parade in Phoenix Arizona where approximately 10 to 15 thousand people got together, to demand that their rights be removed

One of their chants was "Why would you own an AR-15?"

Well, our second stop of the tour, was Los Angeles.. the site of one of the best reasons to own an AR-15, the 1992 South Central Los Angeles riots

Why own an AR15

Incited by police brutality, and racial tensions, rioters from South Central Los Angeles spread out causing a billion dollars in Damages, countless injuries and many deaths

Law enforcement was not effective in controlling the mob for 6 days

It all started at the intersection of Florence and Normandie. About a block north an incident took place that angered the community who started to throw rocks at the police car involved.

Those officers left the scene, that emboldened the growing mob who headed south to the intersection.

The angry rioting mob gathered in the intersection was the focus of media helicopters covering the events, as was the lack of police in the area.

This Brought more criminals out to loot and cause damage.

Tom's liquor was the site of the beginning of the riots which moved out and North into other neighborhoods.

Florence and Normandie is the intersection we saw from the media helicopters we're rioters were stopping traffic pulling people out of their vehicles and beating them almost to death. This is also where we saw people from the community rush out to render Aid and bring people to safety.

This was a horrible time for 6 days in Los Angeles. Because of the racial tensions Koreatown just a few blocks north was concerned. As businesses and city blocks were burned to the ground store owners, employees and community members got together armed themselves and made their presence known to the Mob by standing on the roofs of their businesses with their rifles

While there was limited gunfire exchanged with some of the Armed rioters most conflicts were avoided by the presence of those firearms. The presence of an armed individual capable of depending their life and property with lethal force was enough to turn back even a mob mentality, in a time where there seem to be rule of law

One of the famous scenes is from the California Market where we see scenes from the rooftop of the Armed business owners looking down on the nearby burning neighborhoods

This is valid, recent example of the private ownership of the AR15 being effective even against a mob of rioters

Here we see a shopping mall that was destroyed by the rioters now rebuilt

Next we head over to the Winchell's Donuts at Martin Luther King Boulevard and Vermont. Another iconic picture from the coverage of the riots, The Donut Shop is gone but this neighborhood, just south of the University of California Campus is now rebuilt

Hopefully our visit to this area, affected back in 1992, by a temporary, Lawless, lethal riot, will illustrate how effective and valuable private ownership of the AR-15 and similar rifles can be

I hope you can use this effectively when discussing the need to own an AR-15

Thank you for watching

Stay tuned for more from The Gun Show loophole tour


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