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Why Excessive Speed Doesn't Really Get You There Faster.

Antisocial Guy
Antisocial Guy - 793 Views
Published on 07 May 2018 / In Cars and Vehicles

Driving home from Bloomington Indiana (Where Indiana University is located) and I get passed like I'm sitting still. over the next 10 or 12 miles I keep catching up with this woman who drives like a god.................forsaken idiot. And before anyone mentions it, yes I am speeding also. It's a 60 mph zone and I'm running 70 mph. You'll notice though that I don't pass anyone except when they are at a stop light. I am defiantly not the fastest person on the highway today. BTW this video has no music or sound of any kind. People keep complaining about my choice of music for the Redneck videos so I didn't add any this time.

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