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Why do veterans get emotional about the flag in my own words

Crispus Dee
Crispus Dee - 348 Vues
348 Vues
Publié le 23 Nov 2020 / Dans

Why do veterans get emotional about the flag in my own words

I talk about my personal feelings as a US Navy veteran In this video. In particular why do vets get so upset when the Flag or National anthem is disrespected. Not all, but the vast majority of veterans are offended with this type of protest, even if they try to hide it. Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Man or Woman, we are all the same! This is in honor of those serving and who have served. God bless.
For 98 years, Americans have remembered those who served our country in uniform on 11 November – first as Armistice Day, and then, since 1954 as Veterans Day. In this 99th year of commemoration, the Department of Veterans Affairs is broadening that tradition of observance and appreciation to include both Veterans and Military Families for the entire month of November.

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jiffyfoot 4 années depuis

Hooyah, bro. Army here, hooah. They have no clue.

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Crispus Dee
Crispus Dee 4 années depuis

That's awesome! It's hard to get folks to understand!!

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Tabitha 4 années depuis

SO TRUE!! We have a republic - but that is also resting on the MORALITY of its citizens. As we know that has been chipped away for a long time now. Our children have been taught to be mindless followers - AND WE ALLOWED IT! As long as we were not 'put out', 'bothered' we simply did not care. Now we have a nation of Marxist-embracing young voters. Seeing the WAVE of patriots who came out during this election, there is hope. but since we have shirked OUR DUTY for so long, now we have to suffer and strive INTENSELY to try to save our country! Thanks for your service, sir; I was in Electronic Security Squadron with USAF. I wish I could do MORE NOW for our country. I WILL BE DOING WAR ON MY KNEES!!!!!!

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Crispus Dee
Crispus Dee 4 années depuis


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