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Why Deep State Hates Putin

Marine1063 - 611 Vues
611 Vues
Publié le 24 Jan 2021 / Dans

Originally entitled, "Why the West Fears Putin" was one of our first videos about Russia in 2012 that was deleted by YouTube which had over a million views. The original didn't have the dates or our name "Marine1063". At the time we didn't think people would take credit for our work. Original description: "In America, Putin is always portrayed as a communist dictator with many protesters against him. The truth was more clear when I lived in Russia. Putin is not a member of the communist party and the KGB no longer exists. Protesters are paid by the US. They never show the millions of Russians who love him for saving Russia and his true beliefs. Why is the truth not reported? There is a reason. The western media thinks they can hide the truth. However, "One word of truth shall outweigh the whole world." -- old Russian proverb"

Why the West fears Putin:
"Russia's Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, is a good Orthodox Christian but you would never know that from the way the West portrays him in the media. They have their own reasons for hiding this from everyone. Russia seeks expansion not as the atheistic monster from the Soviet Union, but as a Christian nation that overcame a turbulent and horrific past. Christians in Russia have survived Hell's fury from communism. The blood that once soaked the land was the seed for Russia's new destiny. The evil that spread from Russia in 1917 to the West will be destroyed by Russia's renewed faith that will heal the world. American liberals hate the Tea Party and Christians in "public view". They demonize Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and ridicule Christians in America as crazed right-wingers. They danced when President Reagan, Jerry Falwell and Charlton Heston died. There is no longer a powerful conservative in the West the liberals fear. They know they can handle the majority of America through Hollywood and the entertainment media.They control America as a toy captivates a child.Putin has real world power, which causes the liberal media to fearfully ignore or warp his image. Like a good Christian King he leads a nation to Christ. As a small example, last February, Russia bought some land near the Eiffel Tower where an Orthodox Church will be built. The liberals don't want Russia's Christianity to spread and re-Christianize Europe. Liberals, like most Democrats in America, would hate Russia if they inspired and renewed Christians throughout the world."

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Dive2663225 4 années depuis

EXACTLY!!!...Deep State..will never Stop pushing that Cold war Bullshit..Boogyman Crap!!
ITS Communist China is our Exterior Enemy...JING-PING-PONG !!
Semper Fi Brother!! USMC..Out in 73"

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Marine1063 4 années depuis

Thanks! Semper Fi my Brother!

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Dive2663225 4 années depuis

@Marine1063 : I'm Watchin Buddy!

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