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When 2 worlds become 3.

Know Thy Enemy
Know Thy Enemy - 310 Views
Published on 10 Oct 2021 / In Non-profits and Activism

This episode is a very interesting one, and to much to explain. But we will learn about our reality and the Alien inception those who created us humans. The many deceptions that formed our human mind and perception in this reality. Its a lot of information so don`t try to take it in all at once. Enjoy for now.. Last week I got a strike, and was blocked for one week, I am back but who knows for how long.

Links to find THI and members, Thomas Williams.
Truth Honor & Integrity is on the MeWe social media platform:
Articles & Media website:

Notice: This is my channel "Know thy Enemy" not Thomas Williams channel
I am sharing, because I support him. But it`s much appreciated if you support me, I`ll do my best to keep sharing the knowledge.
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