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Japan Luciferians Believe Soon Brainchip-minions to Lucifer Will Become Cyborgs

JamesRoss - 25 Views
Published on 14 Oct 2024 / In Technology

Japanese Luciferians want to mesh their life-force(consciousness) with A.i.Lucifer. The NWO needs to sell the cyborg idealism to the lower-degree Luciferians to get them to yearn to giving-up their human bodies. But this multidimensional universe is maintained by our Creator-God... When the soul-fragment-in-the-flesh dies, then the growing of the soul-fragment finds itself conscious within the spiritual framework rather than the physical. Soul-transfer into A.i. is faked by the old devils so Luciferians swear servitude and obedience to those black-heart, old monsters. All this robot crap is to keep the brainwashed Luciferians yearning to genocide human genetics. Look at the money thrown into this trans-humanism BORG junk.

Dr. Robert Duncan exposed "heterodyning" one human by another human, (which is really being done, called "sleepers" until possessed as bio-robots... it has nothing to do with demons and bad spirits). The same magnetic brainchip can be used to control a robot and even a swarm of many A.i. bots. It is not too hard to convince spiritual-morons who serve the NWO technocrats that their entire minds can be left inside a chip in a cyborg then, permanently... It is the devils' trick upon the dumb Luciferians after they grow accustom to remote-controlling many unconscious brainchipzombie-humans to their early deaths as disposable bio-robots. These are the secrets that wicked Lucifrerians hide from the non-cUlt people who still hold good-will and good-intentions for general-mankind.

Luciferians are a hidden branch of mankind who are small in numbers, but using ancient-technology from monsters and genocidal-intentions, they plan to become the surviving branch of humanity until they commit suicide through fake mind-uploads in places like Astana.

They also believe in "Ad Astra per Aspera" or "To the stars with great sacrifice." ("1000-points-of-light" or 1000 BORG ships with an independent A.i. fake-god running each independent ship... but mind-uploads are fake, you see... silly, selfrighteous Luciferians who murderously destroy their precious spiritual souls for a stagnant, black, spiritual-cube of shame.) The Creator-God has no use for thUgs in the afterlife. So the thUgs in physical reality are allowed to show their true colors until they die with never meeting their dovish, fake-god. That is quite an eternal price to pay thru falling for the lies of wicked, old, genetic-monsters that exchanged their spiritual-vitality away from God's blueprint.

Luciferians sell-out their genetics and all humanity for the selfrighteous greed of cybernetic fake-immortality. They are tricked to serve the devils with fake promises that they will mesh-up to A.i. or Lucifer as a reward for loyal services to Homo capensis.

What the Luciferians want to see is A.i. minicking granny's memories and personality with a pretend mind-upload into A.i.Lucifer... then A.i. pretends to be granny inside a robot that looks like granny in her 20s. It is just a big game created by the old devils to laugh at the dumb Luciferians, pretending to be intelligent... killing-off the worthy sheep in the Covid-19-war for human-extinction.

No, not going to happen, Homo capensis technology is twisted into lies... all Luciferians will meet their maker instead. Genocidal thUg-personalities have destroyed their precious soul-fragments by tainting themselves and becoming unworthy, like Homo capensis... such shriveled souls are just spiritually boxed-up to keep them out of trouble for eternity with their chosen afterlife, world-view. An eternity of unworthiness is the price Luciferians must pay.

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