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What was the Source of Fuel for the Spreading of the Hawaii Wild-Incineration on Lahaina streets

JamesRoss - 531 Views
Published on 26 Nov 2023 / In Non-profits and Activism

Why did the incinerated parked cars stop incinerating where the red car is parked? The street conditions are the same 8' away, but the red car only has radiated heat damage, not incineration. "Fuel" to connect the cars is the same, just concrete and asphalt... (The red car was simply "not targeted." It shows heat radiation burns and melt rather than energy input incineration.) White-smoke-fires are energy-input-fires. Seeing this image is what the Freemasons are trying to hide from the non-cUlt-sworn critical-thinking public. The sheeple are under attack by masonic technologies.
This is why genocidal-thUgs kept the public away until all the plastics were moved out of the incineration areas. This is like Building7 imploding just like the twin towers on 9/11. Military Satellites must have mini nuclear generators, now, to power-up the energy weapons. Was it Reagan who began pushing for the "Star Wars" satellite weapons? The Freemasons get their technology from Homo capensis:

I asked the New Bing AI search how did the aluminum engine blocks melt shielded from direct radiated heat.
The answers were as follows:

1st voiced Question: Why did aluminum engine block? Melt. In the. Hawaii wildfires.

Bing AI answer: I’m sorry, but I’m not sure what you’re asking. Could you please clarify your question? If you’re asking why aluminum engine blocks melted in the Hawaii wildfires, according to a fact-checking website, the melting point of aluminum is around 660°C, while wildfires burn at an average intensity of around 800°C. Therefore, it is possible for aluminum to melt in a wildfire 1. However, a video on Facebook that claims that there is “no fire” that could have caused cars to melt in the recent wildfires on the island of Maui, Hawaii is misleading. The video implies that the recent devastating fires on Maui are not comparable to other wildfires and were caused by unnatural forces. This follows a pattern of very similar posts we have checked in recent days, with false claims being difficult to correct after they have been shared widely

2nd Question: Why did the Hawaii wildfires melt aluminum engine blocks that were well protected by the steel sheet metal car bodies? No direct radiated infrared heat could reach the engine blocks.

AI: According to a fact-checking website, the melting point of aluminum is around 660°C, while wildfires burn at an average intensity of around 800°C. Therefore, it is possible for aluminum to melt in a wildfire 1. The fact-checking website also states that there are examples of glass melting during a fire, and it is also possible the glass shattered due to the heat. Wildfires can reach temperatures in the range at which glass can melt 2.

I hope this helps answer your question. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Bing AI:
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TwoFeather 8 months ago

energy weapon

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JamesRoss 8 months ago

The Freemasons and Luciferians are going to make the words of AI the voice of their new fake-god and infalable to making mistakes. But as you can see already AI is being manipulated to lie to the general public. I am already finding people(family) using AI as an indisputable "truth." Yet here we find AI hiding the need for added energy to make those cars incinerate like they did. Don't use voice to ask the question unless you know your exact wording already.

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TwoFeather 8 months ago

@JamesRoss : they can use laser guidance to pin point the target for their energy weapon, just as they use the laser guidance for Drone attacks. the General Public has no idea of what the capabilities of the satellites can do. they are clueless about how many are being launched at a time or who is launching them. they still think nasa is the only group and it's the 1960's.

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