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The Law of God - Part 3
The Independent Christian Church Of God

BREAKING The USA To Martial-Law Troops On The Streets(Pushing Milton Friedman)

JamesRoss - 350 Views
Published on 22 Nov 2024 / In People and Blogs

Hollow-out the USA only leaving the NWO-departments filled with Talmudic-Freemasons jacking-in the NWO.
The goal of Homo capensis is to eventually destroy Homo sapiens' genetic-vitality. Those ancient devils brainwash Mystery School minions like Milton Friedman to help railroad a free people into brainchipped slaves to digital-technologies. Freemasons are currently the main cUlt-branch that subverts all prosperous and free civilizations. Knights Templar and Jesuits, Mormons, JWs, Rosicrucians, Scientologists... even upper Catholics are part of the brainwashed populations who serve the ancient devils or Satan-race of spiritually-failed monsters.

How does the cUlt put troops to the streets without frightening the sheep? Get the Dems to ship in millions of illegals and then the Repubs can put troops to the streets to pretend to remove the illegals(secret future UN-troops yet to be recruited for UN-service[NWO]).
Trump is Talmudic and do you know what that means?
The Judas goat Alex Jones has been warning everyone listening for decades that his masters plan to install martial-law.

Why in hell are all the sheep so oblivious? Is it the Fluoride in the water? Why can't they see the police-state being set-up? Keeping the DOD(Freemason run) and the DOJ(Freemason run)... need to sell the government-possessed lands to Bill Gates and the CCP, I guess, who else?... Listen to these traitors against the Free people born to the land! DOD is admiralty-law, not common-law of the land.

No wonder the freemasons in authority are predicting a civil-war... Listen to the Masonic NWO-Takeover just being brainwashed into the sheep listening to pretend to remove the illegals.

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The Law of God - Part 3
The Independent Christian Church Of God