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Criminal mystery meat invaders that leave trash everywhere while doing piss poor work and parking in the fire lane while getting paid with our money is not acceptable or welcome! More on criminal unarrested felon bill lannen at 6316 San Juan Ave Jacksonville Florida 32210 who violently punches black female business owners after stealing they keys that are clients of the invading jew slum owner from israel that is currently in California.
🚨You stood down to felon bill's criminal mental health harassment so now he punches black females🚨
Shabbos Goy Bill Harasses Lease Holders By Stealing Their Chairs And Dumping Belongings On Ground
Criminal fraud bill also harasses lease holders with false fire dept complaints misusing your taxes!
Endless harassment by felon bill aka william lanne KnB Property Management LLC Jax Jacksonville FL
We are told bill lannen with k n b property management (a scam company because he is a maintenance shabbos goy) was punished for a fraud felony in New York and his fake wife who claims to have a state property management license was arrested on drug charges in New York. Bill continues to do this criminal behavior daily and the local police and code enforcement (tim) refuse to enforce laws or city codes with him but harass and harm the rest of the functional active legal community.