#15, House Impeachment Managers Forced to Withdraw FALSE Evidence. It's The United States of America (them) vs The United States For America (US).
Thank you for your support to PayPal.me/RedpillKen or K. Lane PO Box 24851 Columbia SC 29224, For GOD & Country We FIGHT. https://www.thegatewaypundit.c....om/2021/02/busted-er https://www.thegatewaypundit.c....om/2021/02/watch-hou

Raskin?? You kidding?? WAYY more than a LIAR ken,,That scumbag and the rest of them..VIOLATED The Constitution like 75 times..trying to impeach Trump..THAT MF just makes up laws and rules as he goes along

LMAOO...As The late beloved George Carlin Would Say...."ITS A BIG CLUB!!..AND YOUR NOT IN IT!!!

Whats the Difference Ken..From a dead Skunk in the road, And a dead Lawyer in the road??
(...Skid marks..before the Skunk! ) LOL My favorite!!...If you Extract all the Bullshit out of an Attorney...All Thats left you will see..is a briefcase and a pair of Lips!