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WE NEVER WENT TO THE MOON fake moon landing totally exposed

steven aponte
steven aponte - 82 Views
Published on 05 Jul 2024 / In Technology

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BLOCKED:TheOneWith TheEyeOfTruth


COMMENT HIGHLIGHTS: {vhsjvc want us to believe that the moon landings never happened so he can de-legitimize NASA and thus climate change}

{first Geiger counter [James Van Allen] sent up blew up because it was overloaded with .... RADIATION. When we going back to the Moon; and would you like to volunteer to fly 60k miles through that harmless radiation belt? Give NASA a call, they're looking for a chimp.}

{Did you know that they got NASA started on the script of "The Lunatic Landing" within 3 days of McNamara and JFK canning "Operation Northwoods"? Are you curious why that one tiny fact for man is one huge factoid for mankind?}

{Computers were doing some pretty incredible things in the 1960s, like very good speech synthesis and animation graphics (which is very difficult), but most people don't know that.}

{It was only due to American hubris, and trillions of dollars that they were motivated by this obvious-as-fuck lie.}

{AND remember...this is MURICA; where you can get away with BS, by making these idiots (which is like you obviously) believe that they did something by making you read a stack of book or watch something on ur expensive TV.}

{Name calling weakens your position. You would do much better to familiarize yourself with the facts and take an objective look so you can start to grasp where people's incredulity at these claims, comes from. *Argumentum ad populum* is the world's favorite fallacy. Just because we are told something is so, or most people believe it is so, does not necessarily make it so.}

{And with even today's technology, we Still can't. It is simply a mathematical and radiological impossibility. The Moon Landings are a total fabrication, smoke & mirrors, Abracafriggingdabra!}

{The [as seen on TV moon landing]* movie was simply a documentary record of NASA's rehearsals for the main event .... how could they have failed to shoot a back-up movie when the risk of failure of rocketry meant that management MUST have a back-up movie to show the President and the President's Men} *[as seen on TV...] added to original comment for clarification

{Where in the credits does it say where the movie was shot anyway?
A single word to say it WAS shot ON the moon?}

{ but before I can start looking it to be plausible would be the radio equipment to transmit voice & video (live) I think the antenna would be smoking to transmit that many miles}

{Just a thought on navigation. During the 1960's a Polaris missile could be accurate to 910m over a distance of 4 600km. This means that the same technology scaled up would be accurate to 76km within the target zone when flying to the moon. A spacecraft missing it's target by 47 miles would make a successful separation, landing & re-dock very difficult, especially considering the lack of computing power at the time.}

{Let me apply some logic to your nonsense here. Don't get mad now bros! lmao If China is the replication kingpin and is such a "copy cat" like is absurdly being spewed out in this thread, then riddle me this, willfully ignorant pro-landing squad....... WHY HAVEN'T THEY SUCCESSFULLY "REPLICATED" A "CHEAP" VERSION OF APOLLO? And don't even attempt to sing me the high cost tune, but I know you'll all have your narcissistic bullshit answers ready lol That piece of logic is CHECKMATE!! And anyone with critical thinking skills, and independent thought can obviously discern if it was really possible to get to there, and there had been actual legit landings, China would have made it possible to eliminate these "high costs"( A LONG FUCKING TIME AGO!) that are touted by soooooo many as being the prime reason for why there hasn't been many returns, from many different countries! I can't wait to hear your responses.}

{What the fuck is Anonymous but a coopting of dissent by the very people we are resisting!}

Questioning Science
This blog will reveal the unfounded assumptions at the basis of science. We accept a picture of the world that is both internally and externally inconsistent with itself, with what we observe, and with basic reason. I will uncover questions exposing the core of science it can't and won't address, revealing it to be a fraud conducted at our expense.

Dumbed Down Sheeple "We the sheeple of America!" song.

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1 Comments sort Sort by

TwoFeather 3 days ago

the thought of using Bottle Rocket Technology for space travel is ridiculous.

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steven aponte
steven aponte 3 days ago

yes it is...for living organisms like people at least for now...and if the van allen belts produce radiations lethal to living organisms,

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steven aponte
steven aponte 3 days ago

who knows what deep interstellar space radiations, other star systems and phenomina are waiting to be found...

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