Wake Up Call – New World Order (Full Doc / 2008)
For all the people who somehow think that something in the government has changed because of the election, this is your WAKE UP CALL! Before you dismiss this film as some sort of conspiracy nonsense, I challenge you to DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH on the topics covered! Its time to WAKE UP!
Topics Covered: The New World Order, Federal Reserve, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council On Foreign Relations, North American Union, The Rockefeller / Rothschild Families, Freemasonry, Bohemian Grove, The Illuminati, Illuminati Symbolism, Problem Reaction Solution, 9/11, War Profiteering, The Phony 'War On Terrorism', The Impending 'Big Brother Surveillance Society', The War On Civil Liberties, Microchipping, Mind Control, Media Control And 'Education System' Indoctrination.
Featuring: Alex Jones, David Icke, Aaron Russo, Jordan Maxwell, G Edward Griffin, Jim Marrs, Bill Hicks, Daniel Estulin, Jim Tucker, Ted Gunderson, Anthony Hilder, Professor Steven Jones, Webster Tarpley, George Carlin, John Taylor Gatto, Charlotte Iserbyt, Dave VonKleist, Stan Monteith and others! Please spread the word as much as you can!
Compiled / Edited By John Nada
This film has been uploaded to YouTube / Google for non-profit educational purposes only as aloud per sections 107 through 118 of US copyright law (Title 17 US Code) and is not meant in any form to infringe on anyone's copyright.
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There are only two kinds of people on earth:
#1 Those who serve the devil and are the enemies of God.
#2 Those who serve God and see the enemies of God as who they arethe enemies of all life even their own lives.
The servants of Lucifer get rewarded for doing evil for Lucifer at the cost of their souls, and a future in hell v or eternity, to be punished eternally for that service to Lucifer.
They are the stupid, and haveclost everything. They are the NWO, psychopaths and are demonically possessed, or have already lost their souls, and have already devolved into demons.
The people of God, who love God, will recieve eternal life in heaven.
What is coming, the tribulation is the way everyone on earth will choose where they will go after death, to heaven or Hell. Some will serve lucifer. Some will remain true to God. This is the seperation of the sheep from the goats.
Because the final end is now.