New Jersey - American Flag banned, police remove man holding it
Who put these anti-American goons in power anyway? Local council in New Jersey has apparently BANNED the American flag? When a man politely protests, while holding a handheld flag, they ask police to remove him - and the police comply. Shame on both of them! What country is this when you can't fly your own flag? Perhaps they want us to forget that we have a country, a constitution, a history, and rights. New Jersey = United States of China (or maybe the UN).
Mystery School cUlt Freemasons and Eastern-Star minions rule the USA.
When you are told by the Luciferians to go to war and kill their enemies, what do you do? The answer is obvious.
The Luciferians are now in a world-wide brainchip-hivemind-army of thUgs who proved that they will clot-shot the sheeple to their deaths... Oh boy... What do you do? Some christians said: "you have to go with the lesser of two evils." And you ended up with Luciferian Trump taking over from Luciferian Biden/Harris. This is how all the sheeple get slaughtered, biting their own fingernails off expecting the Luciferians to shut themselves down due to their own lack of understanding who is running their country.