George Carlin: ¨You go vote on election day, and I´ll stay home and masturbate. The only difference is that, at the end of the day, I´ll have a little something to show for it.¨
I start this video talking about Bill Mitchell, a Republican wannabe who banned me from his live stream. The live stream was about the coming Republican landslide.
During the live stream, I was commenting in the live chat box, respectfully, saying that voting Republican has never changed our plight. If anything, it only made it worse. I have a lot of evidence to support that claim, by the way!
We voted for Boy George, we got endless wars and foreign entaglements, untold millions killed. We voted for Trump, we got 15 days to flatten the curve, microplastic-laden face masks, social distancing, forced business closures, being declared non-essential, 5G rolled out behind our backs, and so much more!
Personally, Bill Mitch and everyone of his ilk can shove it! The solutions to our problems are local. When are you people going to learn that DC saviors or no saviors at all. Trusting and hoping in DC saviors has gotten us to where we are now.
¨You are a useless prick, and we have an election to win,¨ said this f***face, Bill Mitchell. Only when it is too late will this douche bag realize that people of his kind are reason we are where we are today. The solution is local, not national or global.

Carlin used snot for glue. Claimed it was the original "rubber cement".