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Vampires and Goons on the lose

Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice - 200 vistas
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Publicado en 16 Nov 2019 / En Cine y Animación

The way we found money in our pockets called Seeds!!!

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 5 años hace

To become Pak-Toe, and Defeat The Racka...

When you are ready......., take the time to ponder your dreams when you awake......, and do not focus on the dream at hand upon the Twilight of your mind....., but insist that {you have something} to add to this life you live...., and know them dreams {in your sleep} are but visions of templates of lives you have lived..., and that in this PURGATORY the goal is {to get honest} with our Symbiots in our inner selves.., and that can only happen by taking the time to talk {to who we are} out loud when others are not around., and speak frankly with out thoughts where {we have NO say} in what we think about any matter, any subject, and any person we have ever known, or YOU will come to know {the De - Ja - Vu} we all have does not have to lead us too live alone, yet only the indifference {we have with} whom we are on the inside leads to WORSHIP of others {on the TV Screen} and their Deadly [light Beams] of Red -Obey / White - Comply / Blue - Submit / Purple - Take Your Pills, and that Yellow that says FEAR or {you will miss out} so buy...., and consume till all is SOLD OUT!!!

Since we know Reality {is but a Reflection} of the Immaterial Immortal Spiritual World where we all dance and sing {in the myriad in minuets} from Night Mares to Night Terrors for those whom do Racka, and those of us who LOST OUT in past Wars {of Ying and Yang} in this never ending Celestial Sphere Home World of our 2 Sided FLAT EARTHS...., we would do well to get into the D.U.M.B.S. of our NATO Nations where {our nonmason} Taxes paid for it all!!! The FREE MASON {JADE HELM 15} Lodges are nothing but spies and murderers - rapist and tormentors - lairs and thieves whom say: We Command and Control {The ELECTORAL} in all U.N. FLAG Flat Earth Nations, and you nonmason populations will pay Tithes to this World Religions that {we wrote} the ink on paper for them Holy Books!!! Then the FREE MASON Lodges in our Home Towns say: You will Pay Federal - County - City, and Local Taxes to all {Governmental Officials} that are to be only FREE MASON Lodge members from Lawyers to Judges from {Public Defenders} to Prison Guards from Mayors to Governors, and you nonmason Citizens {will bow down} and say: I Pledge Allegiance to the Made In China U.S. FLAG!!!

To Pledge Allegiance {is to} Worship, and too Worship anything be it man or god {or material} is to Beg of it to make you better and happy when {you have the ability} to THINK FOR YOUR SELVES...., and not let them tell you {what and whom} you are, and to Worship or Pledge is to Promise when Christ Jesus said: We of Pak-Toe do not make Promises that {never get fulfilled} as you FREE MASON Political Class tell we the nonmason Popular Voters Class {our votes} matter not, so just give Tribute to our FREE MASON Miltaries from Russia to China to Fake Space with the {USA FLAG} of Death and Damnation for all we nonmason people and populations of Pak-Toe will never do... We see your NASA HAARP DARPA {Ratheon Weather Weapons} killing all!!! We see G4S Academi Private Contracted {FREE MASON} INTERNATIONAL Globalist C.O.P.S. getting it all...., and we nonmason have no need to be told what to do, when to do it, or that Curfew is from {10:00 PM to 10:00 AM} in the Conqured Lands known as The United States of America by the Red Dragon from the {Book of Revelation} that says: Made In China owns your employment as Self Check Out takes away {all remaining} American Jobs....

Remember my nonmason Romantic Warriors...., we of Pak-Toe do not {play nice with} The Racka for these FREE MASON Lodges are houses of cruelty - depravity - indifference to the value {of human life} and are all these FREE MASON Doctors whom put you on pills, and make you do Abortions of your Blood Lines that you do not want or need my nonmason!!! They have {brain washed you} with TV Commercials that if you but listen to the SIDE EFFECTS of their TV MEDICATIONS there is no way in Hell you would ingest such {Alchemist Sorcery} into your Blood Stream!!! Maybe we can not {wake the world} at this time...., but PURGATORY is an eternal place where we all have a right to say I am Sovereign, I have Autonomy, and I know what Big Words Mean, so you who speak with big words can not {play my emotions} or my imagination against me...., and I know This Place is just a Reflection of {what is happening} in the Esoteric World where FREE MASON means Ghouls - Gargoyles - GOLEM have planned out life in this {Material World} for way too long, and the GOLDEN AGE can only be restored by USE OF FORCE {against these} Demons - Devils - PizzaGATE Satanist...

Johnny Exodice

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 5 años hace

When you lose Choice, you are no longer Humane or nonmason, you are now only FREE MASON and GOLEM in the Spirit world of your Body Temple Avatar...., and this is why FREE MASON Lodge members can not speak the truth...., and must {lie about everything} to never give you just a Yes or No to a Question as Christ Jesus demands of his followers... This is why FREE MASON lie about FLAT EARTH and all work at NASA, so when you my nonmason as Human Being ask them a Question you already know the answer too, they can only give a Walk Around Answer... Johnny Exodice LIVES and so do we!!! The Book of Exodice... [///|||\\\]

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 5 años hace Since of all of your world is a lie by FREE MASON Lodges {TV Talking Heads} to FREE MASON Preachers to FREE MASON Teachers to FREE MASON C.O.P.S., then you my {nonmason U.S. Citizen} are at a disadvantage when it comes to the {FREE MASON U.S. FLAG} Legal System where FREE MASON get all the Good Jobs while you {my nonmason} get stuck with $40,000.00 Student Loan U.S. FLAG Debts being Taught FAKE SPACE on our FLAT EARTH!!! Now, check out your Trees where you live, and make sure they are Healthy!!! The Society of nonmason~

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 5 años hace

Teacher..., From whence do we come??? Do you'm mean the many lives {we have lived} in this PURGATORY where we are safely surrounded by Our Celestial Sphere of Concentric Circles where each Star {that is still alive} in the Night Skies from Afghanistan to Budapest to the Roman Empire known as MADE IN CHINA!!! Consider this......., since we are all Spirits in the Immaterial Immortal World......, and we are at war {with what people} would call Evil Spirits in the immaterial immortal world....., then this Waking Reality that {we all wake up to} after dreams of De - Ja - Vu of the FREE MASON Oraborus Curse that {haunt us} day in and day out..., we of Pak-Toe know what Christ means by the word Raca in Mathew 5... That said.., since Demons and Devils and Ghouls and Gargoyles {are only attainable} in the Esoteric Realms we go to in our Dreams and Sleep and even Death {to be Reborn here} as NEW LIFE FORMS be it Human or Animal or Sea-life to Plant Life to even {the Creepy Crawly} insects and bugs, then spirit is life, but what do GOLEM Spirits want since {we know} The GOLEM is a monster made by that Machine called The EDISON in Santa Barbara {CALIFORNIA USA} where weather weapons of NASA HAARP and DARPA Ratheon shoot Trillion Watt Lazers at Sun Shields {to burn us alive} in the fields of trees in California and even Africa where we nonmason are being hunted and exterminated by these U.N. Troops known as FREE MASON Lodges {where to become} a FREE MASON you must allow a GOLEM {into you} at the very 1st Degree, and by the 3rd Degree...., Your Human Avatar Temple is filled with 3 Demons to Possess and Oppress and {CLONE and Replace} the Person you once were, so do NOT Trust FREE MASON C.O.P.S., Judges, Law Makers, or Law Enforcers for we {in the Spirit} of Pak-Toe are LIBERATORS, and the Holy Spirit of the Bible states we are saved by FAITH in one another..., not these MADE MADE U.S. FLAG {RULE OF LAW} by FREE MASON Lodges of Demons - Devils - Satanist!!! The Book of Exodice...

The Purgatorium is a Never Ending war of Good and Evil, or Pak-Toe and Racka if you like... The Commander~ [///|||\\\]

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