Utah Moms Expose Fraud & Corruption in Cox Administration
Sophie, Jenn and Robyn talk about how the cabal in Utah is trying to keep elections controlled by Cox and his machine, and lots of bills are in front of the legislature right now to subtly shut down very fundamental rights of Utahns. Wednesday February 9th, is a big chance to speak up on behalf of Utah regaining free and fair elections in possibly the most corrupt state in the U.S. (where no one would ever suspect, with Utah’s “red” reputation). Please show up at this meeting at 2:00 PM MT, Utahns or those who care about Utah). Speak up for no ranked-choice voting, in-person voting, and getting rid of Dominion voting machines.

Keep pressing, Ladies!
Showing people examples of holding their government accountable is a powerful thing and will spread far beyond Utah.

Way to lead by example! Apparently, people can make time in their busy schedules to do things like this. Way to go b

Great video. KEEP FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT! www.TheBigVirusHoax.com

Amazing results from two tough people! Should be a model for many to emulate if you can pull them away from 6 hours a day of social media, tv or sports entertainment. Well done!!!

Thank for for Exposing the corruption of Cox. I've never liked him.