US considering first nuclear test since 1992-China(144P).mp4
Published on May 25, 2020
You will hear the following in this Broadcast:
-China tells U.S. to stop wasting time in coronavirus battle
-China says virus pushing US ties to brink of 'Cold War'
-‘NO QUESTION’ US in COLD WAR 2 with China – Florida senator
-US Navy warship successfully tests new laser weapon that can destroy an aircraft mid-flight
-Trump administration is 'considering first nuclear weapons test since 1992 citing threats from Russia and China
-Kim Jong Un wants to increase North Korea's nuclear war deterrence
-India 'Dispatches Reinforcement Battalions to Ladakh' Amid Border Tension with China
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DISCLAIMER: Please be advised, not all the views, news or opinions represent the beliefs of CWW7NEWS/Dina Amelia Kalmeta.

This text to speech crap is bloody awful

Commander…, The Great Teacher says there are 2 People in this Celestial Sphere Home World Of Purgatory, and that there are but only 3 Realms, no matter {what we are told} /_\ by those whom raised us under their INK ON PAPER Books of Books known as this word Biblical.?.?.? If you consider the FREE MASON are 1/3rd of the “Human” Population, and they have betrayed their Humanity [too serve] / * \ this I.A. Machine code named (COVID19) then there is no INVISIBLE Enemy as Trump the Chump and his “dick sucking” lover Pence on the Fence of FAKE SPACE COMMAND speak of, but that our ENEMY “be it” Weather Weapons, Earthquake Machines of HARRP and DARPA are hidden in plain sight, and all we The Society of nonmason need to do to Win this War with the FREE MASON Lodges is to {blow up} +=+ their Cars, and their Homes, and Hack into them TRILLION WATT LAZERS and use them on “their people” rather then allow The EDISON Machine of Holographic Mind Control to [seduce us] [{**}] with these BLACK MIRROR FLAT 2D High Definition mesmerization devices!!! You see, the people on TV are all “BOTS” or SLAVE / MASTER Hive Minds of their insecticide diodes, capacitors, and THEY LIVE know about WE ARE, and THEY LIVE have always used The Internet of Sorcery and {Magical Applications} to use HUMAN DRONES what many would call Zombies to fight in these WAR GAMES from World War One to the “Gulf War” to the Next GREAT NUCLEAR HYDROGEN WAR with China as we see WAR IS MURDER, and since an Insect Mind can not appreciate “the minds” of we the Human Flesh, and Human Touch, and Human Romance, they are a very different “thinking” people in these same BODY TEMPLE AVATARS……., but they come from the “Other Side” of FLAT EARTH where on that side of the world things are “very different” from our YELLOW SUN [{*}] this side of the FLAT EARTH, and do they not like that Certain “Shade of Blue” that means SUBMIT to we and them whom are the uniformed and uninitiated??? Are not Bugs attracted to FIRE till “they are” consumed by it??? These 5G Eugenics TIME Machine “Towers” are part of their plan to turn humans into BUG LIKE Ways where the Military is the Grandest Example of a HIVE MIND!!!! They all dress the same, just as The C.O.P.S., they must have “Protocols” called RULE OF LAW, and they feed off “human flesh” as the Parasites they are just as in THEY LIVE do PizzaGATE… Never forget……., (COVID19) are these U.N. Troops from 192 U.N. FLAGS and they have “taken over” this side of “the world” with their TV SHOWS of OBEY – COMPLY – SUBMIT!!! If you want to keep “your memories” and your minds and not get wiped by this Artificial Intelligence, then you must DESTROY THE TECH that allows these Global Citizens to “spy and watch” our every move……., and by way of Compressed AIR B.B. Guns to Chainsaws we can damage and “take out” Surveillance on the Police Cars and even follow them to their homes for they have all “betrayed” THEIR OATH OF OFFICE to our State Boarders, State Flags, and State Constitutions, just as them “they follow” these Pyramid People, and their Pyramid Scheme of that saying: any below me, does not know me` just as 3rd Degree FREE MASONS [do not know] what the 4th Degree Masons know.?.?.?.?.?, nor what the 33rd Degree Mason knows.?.?.?.?, but we of The Society of nonmason have {no such ways} for we are HUMANS and not Insect Machine Minds “in our” Knights of the Round Table called [Robin Hood] and The Green hat` The Book of EXODICE!!!
Another reason THEY LIVE Blink way too much is because they are Bug People on the Inside of their BLINKING BLINKING BLINKING nonhuman minds, and we do not Dress like them, wear their make up or cosmetics for {YOUNG TRANNY SEX} and [Young Sex] website Pornographic SEX SLAVES and Children “Human Trafficking” of OUR PEOPLE and Our Children……., and we will kill all these PARASITE “Things” in our Human Form known as Incubus and Succubus INSECT MACHINE MIND “MACHINE” INSECT PEOPLE, Persons, and populations called FREE MASON Lodge Members aka Global Citizens….
The Society of nonmason~
From now on when you see their [Insectoide] FAKE GLOBE EARTH…..., know in your heart….., you are actually looking at our {Celestial Sphere} home world under OCCUPATION by these (COVID19) U.N. Troops in our Police and Military and Religions and GOVERNMENTS as “Celestial Beings” whom use the same HUMAN Mortal Corporeal “Temporary” BODIES……., and we can take back what is “rightfully ours” as Members, Constituents, Representative CITIZENS “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition at WAR with these 192 “U.N. corporation” WAR FLAGS…..
When ever the CFR Speaks that is the voice of these Insect Machine People of the U.N. FLAG!!!
These People, Persons, and Populations are the FREE MASON [Lodge Members] in all nations 192 OCCUPIED FLAGS by the “W.H.O.” UNITED NATIONS International Mafia of freemason lodges…
The bill extends existing annual reporting requirements on matters of U.S. interest in Hong Kong through 2027 and expands such reports to include assessments of (1) limits to Hong Kong's autonomy, either self-imposed or due to China's actions; and (2) whether rescission of Hong Kong's special treatment would further erode Hong Kong's autonomy.
The President shall annually report to Congress on Hong Kong's enforcement of U.S. export controls, including whether items of U.S. origin have been used for mass surveillance in China and whether Hong Kong has been used to evade sanctions on North Korea or Iran.
The State Department shall notify Congress if any proposed or enacted law in Hong Kong negatively impacts U.S. interests, including by putting U.S. citizens at risk of rendition to China.
The President shall impose property and visa-blocking sanctions on foreign persons responsible for gross human rights violations in Hong Kong.
BASICALLY my nonmason POPULATIONS “Businesswomen” / men and Sovereign [Autonomous] CORPORATIONS the UNITED NATIONS (U.S. FLAG) is coming for your rights to exist as INDEPENDENT CORPORATIONS “from the” NEW WORLD ORDER!!!
The Commander~