Urban Shield Luciferian Infiltration of US Universities
The "Bear College" was not pepper-sprayed... instead the Israeli soldiers on campus (by Luciferian-authorties) sprayed the students with Bear-Spray... as a more painful joke upon protestors against tyranny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEaP2lJGiuc
It should be known that Luciferian-Universities are given independence from the US constitution and human rights. They foresaw trouble with protesting students long long ago.
Look-out... Trump is going to bring troops to US streets to enforce Noahide Laws, soon. Deporting illegals will be just a facade to bring the troop to the streets to begin martial-Law. Brainchipzombies and sleeper assassins will create mass CHAOS on the streets throughout the West. https://ugetube.com/watch/brai....nchip-zombies-sleepe
Along with Jihadists illegals: https://ugetube.com/watch/musl....ims-we-come-in-peace
And Talmudic-Luciferian thUgs as well: https://ugetube.com/watch/trum....p-doublespeaks-opera
Operation Covid-19 was a smokescreen to remove good people from politics and education to protect existing fellow Luciferians and to hire more Luciferians into government paid positions of authority. https://ugetube.com/watch/plan....demic-is-a-smokescre
They haven't even touched the bigger conspiracies: https://ugetube.com/watch/kare....n-hudes-world-bank-i
source: 738,643 views Jun 15, 2016
Professor Hamamoto Interviews Leuren Moret for a wide-ranging conversation that inspires a radically new understanding of world civilization and its current manifestations. (You need to watch the complete original video).