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Update from Ukraine | Himars in Ukraine | Turning Point is near

The Analyst (New Real Media)
163 Vues
Publié le 23 Jun 2022 / Dans

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The link to artist who made Putin Orc Face:

You may check the military map here:

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2 commentaires sort Trier par

Richard Young
Richard Young 2 années depuis

Pure propaganda, and anyway Russia doesn't have any worries. and if you still think Russia is the bad guy in this whole thing, maybe you should go and be a mercenary for Ukraine. Or maybe you ought to do some research and find out the truth instead of following the people in control, or so they think.
Wake up people, does anyone think we could defend ourselves if we had to?
Our military is in shambles, and that should make every American stop and smell the coffee.
All the trash they want to fill our airwaves and our minds with is all distractions so nobody focuses on the stuff that is a matter of life and death basically.
We need to clean up our own yard, and worry about our own people. We are not doing so well.

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Jayda Leyla
Jayda Leyla 2 années depuis

Get $194 per h from Google!
 Indeed this can be best since I basically got my underlying finance check of $24412 and this was simply of one week
I am aslo purchased Range Rover Velar right after this payment
 it is really best job I have even had and you will not for give yourself if you not check it


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