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WAR ROOM (Full Show) Friday - 5/3/24
General Shepherd

Trump Prophecy 2020: WAR of JOE BIDEN

David Trent-Todeschini
David Trent-Todeschini - 1,137 Views
Published on 22 Feb 2021 / In News and Politics

Trump Prophecy: The Trump Prophecy 2020 is a follow-up to the 2016 "Trump prophecy" documentary done by Trey Smith of God in a Nutshell.

Thank you for your support of God in a Nutshell. This video is not allowed to have monetization on this platform. I assume that is because it supports Donald J. Trump for president in 2020. So, we are thankful for all donations and support to the God in a Nutshell project.

You can donate to God in a Nutshell at this link:

God in a Nutshell primarily does documentaries dealing with the ancient world and artifacts. However, in 2016, I felt the Lord had put on my heart very heavily that Donald Trump, whom I knew little about at that time, would become president of the United States even though the polls, and medias and the sort stated this would never happen.

I was drawn in my spirit to prophecies that I had not thought about in many years. Those prophecies were by Kim Clement.

In the years of 2015/2016, I went to a variety of prophecy conferences ~ most of which people were very frightened in the belief that Hillary Clinton would become president. The common belief was that this would destroy the country in ways that could likely never be undone.

I myself also believe that would have been the case.

The original "Trump prophecy" was put together by Trey Smith of the God in a Nutshell project in the year of 2016 simply because it felt as the Lord had instructed to do such.

I thank you for every democrat that considers changing their vote in this election, and whose heart may be moved by these materials.

The video contains prophecy by Kim Clement and also correlations with the prophecy of Cyrus from Isaiah 45.

The same applies to this documentary.

Enjoy the film.


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WAR ROOM (Full Show) Friday - 5/3/24
General Shepherd