TNP Audience Helps Down and Out Texans: Mikey and DeeDee
Mike and DeeDee have been married a long time. But they have gone through some real tough times and are barely hanging on down in Clute, TX. I came to know Mike or Mikey through his letter that I read to you here. He wanted to help Tim Velere, the farmer who lost his son to a motorcycle crash, saddled with thousands in medical bills. His desire to help in his own humble condition caught my attention and this generosity and selfishness is an attribute to an Impressive Human. Moreover Mikey takes vets and cancer patients out on Hog Hunts down in Clute, donating the meat to needy families nearby he tells us. With a heart tumor he is hanging on with DeeDee working a full time minimum wage job. With some funds left over from the Velere experience I propose we help them out a bit. Vote in comments for 300, 400, 500 assistance to Mike and DeeDee. TNPrs watching the video in the first few days will make the call ;-)////////////////////Mike offers TNPrs are chance to hog hunt with him in south eastern Texas, you can reach him at: 979-266-9485///////////////////As long as I have money in the TNP Impressive Human Fund, I'm giving it away. All money will be spent only in this pursuit, with the people selected as carefully as I can.
Go to or money orders to The Nutnfancy Project, 10322 South Redwood Rd, Box 38, South Jordan, UT, 84095)//////////////////TNPrs have spoken...Mikey and DeeDee are getting $500! Care box sent 10/8/13. We can't give more because we don't have that much and we want to find more people who are also in need...there are many.