Texas winter storm_ Over 70,000 Texans are without power as arctic cold front hits state.mp4
Texas winter storm: Over 70,000 Texans are without power as arctic cold front hits state

I needed Help, and You Would NOT help me…
That will be your downfall, and why Our God will turn you into the [Reprobate] of the World, and send you into Perdition as the {Hell of Hades} for your sin of WAR IS MURDER because all you people seek is MY FLAG is not your FLAG…
What a childish world you (humans) [{**}] have turned out too be, you KNOW Murder is wrong, you know you are all of one people, but because you can put a Piece of Cloth on and say: Look at me!!!!
I wear the Military UNIFORM of a [Combatant] known as the U.S. Military: Back Ward FLAG' Patches` you go out there too kill moms and dads and their children......., and then you say to your Self I AM A WAR HERO!!!!
N.O.W. give me my Pay Check, so I can stand before my {Country Men} and say too Kill is Good, and MY GOD once Loved me!!!!
Being Christ Jesus Returned, I see your White House and its now just White Washed WALLS from the New Testament GOSPEL of the MUD FLOOD WARS…
You prance around in your Suits, and Ties, and Skirts talking shit (day after day) preaching and teaching we have too kill, and murder those people because {WE ARE} Capitalist and [THEY LIVE] only as industrialist........., and if you will not buy our MADE IN CHINA "shit" of and for these Hollywood Fake Jews of the USA USA USA, thence, we must say your nation is and are Terrorist Country and STATE FLAG, and just {Bomb your people} and BLACK HAIR Population into Oblivion just as the USA did in 1855 – 1865 – 1918 – 1945 and in this Book of Revelation called What Was / What Is / What Will Be as the USA now allows NATO [U.N. Troops] [{*}] too come shoot all U.S. Citizens for you American Citizens are nothing more then the Production of your TV Talking Heads of the Walking Dead, and since you are the Dead among the Dead, no need to let you dead bury "your dead" when we INTERNATIONALIST CORPORATION Capitalist can turn you NON-MASON into 100% Organic Bio-engineered ALT MEAT too feed our FREE MASON Lodges Olympic Populations here and now in 2022!!!!
A Gun for Every Womb-man whom gives birth to a child too die, and kill for the FLAG!!!!
A House for those [Veterans] whom destroyed the homes of their Brothers and Sisters in far off lands!!!!
A Car, and A Job, and a JAB to do these {Lies Agreed Upon} just as all FREE MASON Lodge Members would kill their own Mom and their own Dad too have that FLAG laid upon their coffin!!!!
Live your life my fellow Citizens, but know Our God that is your God will have no need to keep you around whence Purgatory is done with you…
You live for VOGUE fellow Citizen, but you are so [simple] +=+ minded that you'm don't even know what too embrace that word of VOGUE actually means….
You live for (Vanity) Magazine, and yet once again, you are too SIMPLE Minded: too embrace what Vanity` actually means' in the Book of Ecclesiastes….
You live too hate, and you hate Our God that is Your God because you do not Believe in (Day 6) of the Holy Living Bible, so you kill, and murder too seek the Approval of them People that Youm do so to EMPLOY as your Employed World Religion JANUS Government….
You may think I am shouting in the wind, but I AM only "shouting" at you!!!!
If Our God was not real, thence why are we all in Purgatory my Angels and my Demons.?.?.?.?.?
The Society of non-mason~ ?