At 5:56 — looks like a little girl
At 8:18 — the "mother" looks fearful
I KNEW IT, that the Williams's were born male...
Bob Hope HUGE pedo
At 11:44 — his face has a feminine structure
..... if memory serves, he the "mother" was Filipino. I could swear I heard that in an interview a LONG time ago
At 31:46 — ??? tooooo obvious! Fake
Isn't it interesting that the "arrest" video is totally within frame? AND you can't hear the traffic that is passing by. ??? This is initiation or public shaming as punishment
Honestly, that doesn't even look like Tiger. This individual has a strong square jaw unlike video of a him at 14. Very muscular in the shoulders around the neck, NOT AT ALL like his build just minutes ago in this video. His hairline is not right either (thin around his face), it doesn't match the hairline earlier in this video. I'm thinking this is a clone or body double
Where's the camera taking the mugshot?? There's enough distance that the camera should be visible
Where's the height chart in the background??
Where's the placard he should be holding??