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.223 Remington, 55gr FMJ Steel Case, Golden Tiger Velocity Test - End of Golden Tiger?

Buffman RANGE
Buffman RANGE - 1,047 Views
Published on 22 Jul 2016 / In Firearms

This disaster could spell the end for Golden Tiger?

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Test Gun: Zastava M85 Pap, 10" barrel, Stag Model 1L, 16" barrel,
Franken AR-15, 20" barrel
Chronograph: Pro Chronopal Chronograph
Test Taken: 10 Feet
Round Used: .223 Remington, 55gr FMJ, Steel Case, Golden Tiger

Temperature: 90.30°F
Humidity: 35%
Baro: 30.15"HG
Dew Point: 59.2°F
Elevation: 849 Feet.

All shots are in feet per second (fps)
10" barrel:
1. 2,594
2. 2,564
3. -
4. -
5. 2,594
Avg: 2,584
815 ft lbs.

16" barrel:
1. 2,969
2. 2,969
3. 2,943
4. 2,956
5. 2,949
Avg: 2,957
1,068 ft lbs.

20" barrel:
1. 3,086
2. 3,044
3. 3,072
4. -
5. -
Avg: 3,067
1,149 ft lbs.

SG Ammo will take this back if your gun will not fire it. It's a shame GT used 5.45 primers in this, as otherwise it's got good velocity and the bullet and primer are sealed.

Camera(s): Canon Rebel T6S, Canon HF R500, GoPro HD Hero 3+ Black Edition, iPhone 6
Edited with: Adobe Premiere Elements 12
Audio: Zoom H5
Music: Intro Music Provided Royalty Free by Ritual Suicide Copyright 2013
Music: Provided by YouTube Creation Tools.

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