”This is not a Vax, it is irreversible genetic modification.mp4

Even though all this information is widely available. Most sheeple in OZ are eagerly waiting for the farm gate to open. so they can rush foreword and get jabbed. In one generation we have gone from being free spirited critical thinkers to amoeba.

why?, my 2 cents, the satanic cult (owners of IMF UN etc etc), that run this kingdom are driving it, ritual sacrifice?, maybe. Money violence and fear always direct policy in this kingdom, sadly. Thank you for sharing

Actually, all vaccines contain foreign RNA and DNA from animals (cow's blood, dog and monkey kidneys, mouse brains, worms, etc). The only difference in this one is the role the RNA is programmed to perform.
The lies about vaccines have been with us from the time Jenner (who was not a doctor, but purchased is "degree" for 15 English pounds) began injecting people with cow pus and horse "grease." From that time on, more and more noxious unhealthy ingredients have been added, AND the degree of propaganda and censorship surrounding them has been phenomenal. Books and articles have been written about this from the very start, but have been denied access to mainstream. Look up Dr. Richard Moskowitz, Dr. Suzanne Humphries, Dr. Vernon Coleman, Dr. Tom Cowan (all have authored books on the subject) and many more can be found at "Stop Mandatory Vaccination."