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Disclosure Library
Disclosure Library - 1,555 Views
Published on 16 Mar 2021 / In News and Politics

About 40 min, but worth watching.
Phizer Moderna

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MIRUP 4 years ago

Look ! around ! BLIND Sheep. the Q R (MARK)..... is ALREADY on The Gas Pumps And COKE Cans. Because ! it IS ! Already ! Being used ! To PAY For things......Soon ! you Won't BE ABLE ! to Pay For ANY ! thing Unless You HAVE Received ! THAT BUY & SELL. QR MARK....... Don't Let ANY ! BLIND Fool ! FOOL YOU...... Read Your Bible. The FUTURE is Alllllll In There...... And It's HAPPENING !.......NOW...... Most !
Places ALREADY Won't RECEIVE Cash/Legal Money.......... Hmm I wonder Why that IS, Sheep ?........ God Already ! Wanted Us About ALLLL of this. if your TO STUPID, or Tooooo Stubborn To Listen. THEN you won't Have ANY ! issues Going to Hell. FOR A LIE.

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MIRUP 4 years ago

Revelations 13:16 Is Super ! CLEAR !.... Next ! People will be FORCED to (Receive) a QR Tattoo, MARK. To SHOW that They Are Not ! INFECTED. With the PLANNED, LIE from Satan.

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