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Their Movie (Avatar) Was Predictive Programming of your Mind

JamesRoss - 355 Views
Published on 11 Jul 2024 / In Technology

In case you have not yet figured-out that the Luciferians and Freemasons are taking over Western Civillization... let this movie clip educate you.

"Sully" is a Luciferian who is remote-controlling a brainchipzombie or bio-robot.
Can you use your critical thinking capabilities to see this?

All the targeted individual who have defied the NWO takeover have been under attack by the NWO gangstalkers and Luciferians.
Can you use your critical thinking abilities to understand reality?

The Luciferians are going to use the left-over gangstalkers to become brainchipzombies to bite you.
Can you see this in your future using your critical thinking capabilities?

The movie "Avatar" is just Luciferians in Hollywood telling you that they are remote-controlling targeted individuals. Can you understand reality?

Freemasons and Luciferians are "insane" because they trust the old devils.
They do not realize that mind uploads into A.i. is literally a facade to trick them into servitude.
The devils have exchanged the Creator-God-Blessed human-genetic for a lie to have a fake immortality within A.i.... totally bizarre, and insane... but that is what the Freemasons have done.
And in this movie, the monsters are telling the Freemasons that they are collectively insane.

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JamesRoss 5 months ago

When you vote in Western politics... you vote for the Luciferian actor who will guide your country towards Masonic chaos.

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JamesRoss 5 months ago

Warrior of the JarHead Clan...
Jake is an infiltrator thUg within the body of another...
Apparently his insanity was cured by the end of the movie.
But I do not see any Luciferians in the real world cured of their insanity, yet.

There is a bigger picture where Jake actually saves his own soul-fragment before is life ends.
The Luciferians around you are not even bothering to try saving their souls. They are all quite insane with selfrighteousness., you see.............

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JamesRoss 5 months ago

To spell this out more clearly... the Blue People are interacting with a brainchipzombie bio-robot... Jake Sully But in the real world the Luciferians need to have microwave towers everywhere to carry the Light=of=Lucirer into the bio-robots head in order to remote-control it's body. The Starlink broadband is that linking control-grid. You are under attack.

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Texas Outlaw
Texas Outlaw 5 months ago

@JamesRoss : You certainly are not wrong! TRUTH in movies, BS on the "news." The Freemasons, Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights Templars, Jews etc etc... all answer to the #Vatican, and the Vatican serves Lucifer! PERIOD! These people are in every town across America. And even the people who THINK they are "Christians" are generally practicing a false doctrine and celebrating Luciferian holidays (Holy Days) Christmas, Easter (Ishtar) 4th of July, Halloween... ALL HOLIDAYS ARE LUCIFERIAN! If it ain't in the bible folks, DON'T "celebrate" it!

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