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The World’s Most Dangerous Idea | HelioWave "The World's Most Dangerous Idea" by HelioWave is an alarming exposé that reveals a globalist conspiracy to manipulate world events

Patrick Budrionis
Patrick Budrionis - 289 Views
Published on 03 Mar 2024 / In News and Politics

The World’s Most Dangerous Idea | HelioWave

"The World's Most Dangerous Idea" by HelioWave is an alarming exposé that reveals a globalist conspiracy to manipulate world events and control the masses. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, a seemingly benign concept, masks a sinister plan to merge physical, digital, and biological dimensions, creating a centralized surveillance state. The alliance between Big Tech, Big Pharma, and government entities aims to create a resource-based economic system, eroding individuality and freedom. The transhumanist project threatens to control our bodies and minds, leading to a dystopian future. This documentary serves as a warning to resist the globalist agenda and protect our inherent human rights.

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anoncoward 5 months ago

We will see who knows what lol

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