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The Whistling Troopie - A Salute to Soldiers. John Edmund's Personal Theme Song.

For Ourselves And Our Posterity
Published on 02 May 2024 / In Music

In any war, ground troops have the roughest job. Whistling helps them cope with everything thrown at them. It is also a good reminder to everyone to keep their spirits up as they trudge through life.

John Edmond Says: "I once entertained young soldiers in a forward base between Wankie and Msuna Mouth on the Zambezi River. When I tried to get them to sing along with me, I found that the majority of these crack troops were tone deaf, so I made them whistle along in the choruses. This song has now become my own personal theme song."

John fought and performed for troops in the Rhodesian Bush War. It was an epic "good vs. evil" struggle between communist terrorists backed by China, North Korea, Cuba, and the Soviet Union, and Christian Europeans. The Rhodesians won every major battle, often with seemingly incredible casualty ratios. However, they were betrayed by the infiltration of Western Nations: the Propaganda Press, Marxist Media, Closet Commies, Loxist Liars, and Bolshevik Bureaucrats. A supposedly "Democratic Election" resulted in a Maoist president, and Free Rhodesia changed to Zimbabwe.

Rhodesia was a wonderful, prosperous country that was known as the "Breadbasket of Africa." It was a real-life Wakanda: an advanced African country that had intelligent, hardworking people that made great contributions to humanity. After the Communists won, the country quickly reverted to barbarism, and used Wesern aid money to enrich the ruling class and pay off the Chinese. A first world food exporter became a third world food importer full of trash, poverty, and starvation.

Some Comments:

"Legend has it, that's John Edmond's son wearing the uniform and carrying the rucksack and FN."
"John Edmond is keeping the Flame alive for a Nation now scattered far and wide."
"Will never forget Rhodesia"
"God bless Rhodesia!"
"There is not enough space to tell how proud I am of all Who fought against communist subjugation and manipulation of Native peoples and those who strove so long and hard to bring truly meaningful and benevolent Governance and rights to everyone in Rhodesia and South Africa."
"I love this song, Whistling it every day, keep it up!"
"Thank you for your music, John! It make me all warm inside when listening to it. This tune in particular teaches a good life lesson that I will be sure to pass down to my son."

Blacks owe Whites Reparations
End Eurocide
Fight back against Europhobic bigotry
It's Okay to Be White
White Lives Matter
We Must Secure the Existence of our People and a Future for White Children
Because the Beauty of the White Aryan Woman Must Not Perish From the Earth

Oppose Those Who Would Defame Our History and Rich Cultural Heritage
Diversity is a Code Word for White Genocide
Anti-Racist is a Code Word for Anti-White
We Can't Restore Western Civilization With non-Western Babies
We Have a Patriotic Duty to Stop Genocide Against our People

Make Zimbabwe Rhodesia Again
Make Rhodesia Great Again

John Edmond ~ The Whistling Troopie ~ u3H2uZ3sYl8 480p

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John Paul Jones
John Paul Jones 29 days ago

Catchy tune

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Larry Thorne
Larry Thorne 1 month ago

Great advice for troopies and civilians: whistle your blues away

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Charles Martel 732
Charles Martel 732 2 months ago

John Edmund is a human treasure. Thank you for your music.

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