The Volcano in New Mexico_ Capulin Cinder Cone(360P).mp4
alexander2 - 32 Views
Published on 30 Jun 2021 / In News and Politics
Published on 30 June 2021
YouTube channel :geology hub
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The state of New Mexico contains several active and dormant volcanoes. The most famous of these is called Capulin, which is part of the larger Raton Clayton Volcanic Field. This volcanic field has been active for millions of years, and will certainly erupt again. It contains a stratovolcano, lava domes, cinder cones, and mesa forming basalt flows. One of its eruptions traveled from the state of Colorado, through New Mexico, before reaching Oklahoma. This video will discuss this volcano, and mention what its future hazards are.
This video was made by a geologist who is based in Arizona.
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