March 18, 2021, ~ Klyuchevskoy Volcano, Russia ~ Cone Named Gorshkov ~ Tourists Climb Active Cone!
The eruption of a side outburst on the Klyuchevskoy volcano attracts more and more tourists. Dozens of people visit the area every day. Experts warn: this can be dangerous.
News agency "Kam 24" reported on the survey by volcanologists of the breakthrough named, Gorshkov. The volcano station said that the weather window was favorable for tourists. Indeed, according to the story of the photographer Denis Budko, who visited there, from 50 to 70 people visited the breakthrough on March 16. Some of them remained on the volcano overnight. People got to the place on snowmobiles, and some even flew in by helicopter.
The photos published on social networks show how people are trying to climb to the edge of the formed cone, while lava bombs are flying from the crater.