The Unqualified Command of the Second Amendment " shall not be infringed" means without exception

You have done well to "target" such a phrase as the 2nd Amendment is intended to be a bulwark against government tyranny (something the NRA has and will never argue). THEREFORE, the common "citizen" should have access to the most advanced military weaponry.
I heartily agree (especially in light of the corruption of the "Justice system"): if a person is free regardless of spending time as a prisoner they should have full rights under "the law".
This is a NATURAL right and one that we should not defer to governments or courts. Unfortunately, governments exert "authority" through coercive force and always seek to monopolize that force.
As an aside, is there a place in the Poconos where one can shoot on their on property unmolested? Sounds like cars nearby. I wish there were or I wouldn't be looking for property in another State.