Air Force Central Command's Command Chief visits 379th AEW
Air Force Central Command's Command Chief finished his tour of the AOR at the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing in Southwest Asia. Command Master Sgt. Robert Sealey explains a little bit about his job and his love. Announcer: I'm CMSgt Robert Sealey. I'm the Command Chief for Air Force's Central Command. I've visited every single location that we have and to get an understanding of the mission. Meet the people doing the mission. I'm out here just basically to learn what it is the 379th is doing and bringing to the fight. Meeting the outstanding men and women that are doing the mission and it's a great privilege and an honor to get out here and just shake their hands and to thank them for what they're doing. If I had any words of advice for someone whose deploying for the first time, it would a better person when you leave the deployed location then when you arrived. We're out here and yes, we're here for the mission and we're executing that mission, but there's also opportunity for them to grow as an individual. What I love about my job is the fact that there's no greater honor in my military service or in my military career than to serve with young men and women. There's no greater honor than to serve with those caliber of individuals and so that's what I love about my job...just serving with these great people. ATTENTION!! We are moving! Because of YouTube's new policy against military related videos and on where advertisers are allowed to put their Ads, we must move our videos.
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