The Unknown Reality -Vol. 1 (ending) - Session 704 Explains the Use of the "Private Oracle" each Human has access to.
Seth guides the reader to realizing the Personal, "Private Oracle" is your Source-Self already to be discovered within you. Brainchips are implanted to mask A.I. over top of the "Private Oracle". The A.I. synthetic telepathy is a false-god voice in the heads of the unworthy who fall for fakism to replace the inner guidance from the Oversoul or Source-Self. You are challenged to identify the fake A.I. and reject its lies.
Seth explains that using technology that interferes with your brain will encumber spiritual development.

"Electronic gadgets" (Brainchips) misguide the dreaming brain and all Cult-minions are tricked by being given A.I., fake, spiritual-guides. The Cult-minions are thus turned from minions into mind-slaves via hivemind brainchips. They are also tricked that "EXITUS ACTA PROBAT" is valid... it is their personal pathways into oblivion, not eternal existence.