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The Truth About Ivermectin.mp4

Infowars - 1,229 vistas
1,229 vistas
Publicado en 26 Aug 2021 / En


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amado719 3 años hace

Get vaccinated if you wish or choose ivermectin that saved the lives of many!

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quietmike 3 años hace

doctors and hospitals are under huge pressure to push the vaccines only, they are threatened with losing their licenses and at the same time, they are incentivized with huge bonuses if they can meet quotas of how many people they inject.
just like how they were pressured/incentivized to count anything and everything as a covid case or death. once again, like every time in human history, its only about money, power, and fear.

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quietmike 3 años hace

ivermectin has been used several billion times over decades, and very effectively. so don't know where you get "untested", if you want untested, take the covid vaccine, no long term trials, no animal trials, all safety studies skipped.

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Redwarfa 3 años hace

So what you are saying is that an untested drug that is used to kill animals(yes parasites are animals) should be used instead of a vaccine that has been tested comprehensively
There seems to be something wrong with your logic mate
As far as monash university testing goes,using your logic,i bet if i peed on covid in a petrie dish it would kill covid,therefore i should drink my own pee

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Redwarfa 3 años hace

Tell me how to convert a horse dose into a human dose ,as dose rates vary greatly per species

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