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The Talmudic Satanic Order of W.E.F. for GLOBAL MARXIST DOMINATION is taking the lead, and their satanic plans against the human Race unfolds uninterrupted, step by step, because NOBODY stops

The Father of History
454 Vues
Publié le 24 Feb 2022 / Dans

The Talmudic Satanic Order of W.E.F. for GLOBAL MARXIST DOMINATION is taking the lead, and their satanic plans against the human Race unfolds uninterrupted, step by step, because NOBODY stops it in the PROPER manner. People are to bussy waving flags with red hearts and. "LOVE" on it, in sted of removing the CANCER of the Human Society from our midst, who kills as in mass and in terrible torture and agony, for such a long time now, historically speaking, from 4000 years ago allready. Those who know history, know this allready.
I have at this account many documenraries about the subject in the clip above, including testimonies from the jews/talmudic themselfs. Scroll down and see.
Until then, See also these older clips of mine, also related to the one above:

Tedros Adanhoum about children:

And this one too:


And thisone:

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The Father of History
The Father of History 3 années depuis  

The Talmudic Satanic Order of W.E.F. for GLOBAL MARXIST DOMINATION is taking the lead, and their satanic plans against the human Race unfolds uninterrupted, step by step, because NOBODY stops it in the PROPER manner. People are to bussy waving flags with red hearts and. "LOVE" on it, in sted of removing the CANCER of the Human Society from our midst, who kills as in mass and in terrible torture and agony, for such a long time now, historically speaking, from 4000 years ago allready. Those who know history, know this allready.
I have at this account many documenraries about the subject in the clip above, including testimonies from the jews/talmudic themselfs. Scroll down and see.
Until then, See also these older clips of mine, also related to the one above:

Tedros Adanhoum about children:

And this one too:


And thisone:

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27618 3 années depuis

Doesn't chicken mean a young boy??

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The Father of History
The Father of History 3 années depuis

Do you mean the expression "spring chicken"? It has multiple meanings. In satanic ritual (incl. Voodoo) the chicken (mostly rooster) means "sacrified victim".

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27618 3 années depuis

@The Father of History: The F_I discovered the symbols pedoss use..

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Theroadtroll 3 années depuis

@27618: do you believe the f I wants to earn people with slang terms?they give slang and let the kids keep disappearing..these sacrafice terms go back since beginning of time.just don't let your kids sleep over at Hillary's house

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