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The Secret-Society Tutankhamen Hoax - Was the Real Tomb of Princess Tut Faked? Well, YES!

JamesRoss - 373 Views
Published on 21 Jan 2021 / In

Egyptian Authority of Antiquities is and always has been a cover-up agency run by the Mystery School Cult.

The unsworn profane not anointed( or spermed) by the master's they do not keep any "sacred" oaths... they are the sheep or cattle to be harvested when their population becomes too high... Religious gullibility is decreasing so now scientific and medical lies will be used to manage the sheeple to trick them into accepting slaughter rather than tricking them to kill each other.

The Obelisk is symbolic of the lost piece of Osiris after Set dismembered him. This dismemberment was the destruction of the ancient A.I. supercomputer "Jehovah" that you can see looking down from the center of the Basilica in the Vatican. See!... The 8 "angels" form the octagon of capensis who are dying out now and want humanity to die-out first. It is like a Satan battling God scenario.

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SoulfulTruth 3 years ago

The Treasures of King Tut's Tomb are a hoax, "ancient Egyptian mummies" are also a hoax, the geological timeline of millions and billions of years is a psy-op, the historical timeline of thousands and thousands of years is also a psy-op, the fake biblical timeline of nearly 6,000 years is also a psy-op ... the ice ages are fiction, pangaea is fiction, continental drift and continental collision are fiction, the timeline from carbon dating is intentional disinfo, the timeline from ice cores is intentional disinfo, and the timeline from Egyptology is intentional disinfo... The timeline for paleontology is a pack of lies, the timeline for the eruption of the volcanoes and supervolcanoes is also a pack of lies, the lost continents were shockingly recent ... The Himalayan Mountains are not millions of years old - neither are the Andes, Rockies, Aleutians, Alps, Antarctic Mountains, etc....

Our continents and oceans are not millions of years old and the ancient civilizations did not exist thousands of years ago...

The Periodic Chart of Chemical Elements is a fake paradigm, "astronomy" is a pack of lies, our tectonic plates were not broken millions of years ago, not thousands of years ago either...

On and on and on the deception goes ...

Breaking free of the dragon's lair is awesome...

Finding the true timeline for our Earth and for our human history is mind-blowing, finding the true chemistry, the true physics, the true glaciology, the true volcanology, the true astronomy... all of this is available for those who love truth ... while everyone else is so detached from reality as to be rendered insane.

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JamesRoss 3 years ago

So you developed your intuitions to determine the lies from the truth... your skill of direct knowing?

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SoulfulTruth 3 years ago

@JamesRoss: I studied Chemistry and Physics for decades, Geological Formations, Wave Propagation and Cataclysms for Decades, hundreds of historic documents, written in over a dozen languages from all across our Earth, going back several centuries - this includes reports in the captain's logs from sailing ships going back hundreds of years, sailing routes going back several centuries, architecture going back several centuries, old literature from Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America, old illustrations in several languages, old paintings, old statuary, old photographs going back to the early 1800's, technologies going back several centuries, the timeline for the megaliths - worldwide - the history of music, the history of languages and linguistics from Africa, Asia and Europe - and thousands of other sources which include maps of the sonar images of the landslide debris on the seafloor which displaced massive volumes of seawater as they tumbled which resulted in colossal tsunami waves which decimated the lands and since that destruction is documented in historic records and in the old literature, the timeline for cataclysms was easily pieced together. When this compilation of thousands of sources began, I did not know that the entire timeline for our continents, oceans, mountains, cataclysms, human history, etc., would show up - but there it is, corroborated by thousands of independent sources, written in over a dozen languages by people living in different centuries. Conspicuous deceptions, conspicuous contradictions, conspicuous clues, etc., are staring back at us - every day - but the public is programmed not to notice - I just happen to notice and then pursue the clues.

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SoulfulTruth 3 years ago

@JamesRoss: Since you have the intelligence to be aware of the deception that the public is subjected to - from early childhood and throughout adult life -I want you to know I'm immensely thrilled with my progress of breaking through the veil of deception to see the conspicuous evidence - this has been far more satisfying than I had ever imagined. For example, since the last four months of our calendar are  Sept   Oct   Nov   Decand since we've been aware of this for decades, since we are reminded of this dozens of times every month and hundreds of times a year, and since most of us have been oblivious to the obvious clues right there in our face - over and over and over - I thought I'd share this little bit with you: Elementary and high school geometry told us Oct represents 8 as in octagon and octopus, etc.,while Dec represents 10, as in decade, decathlon, etc. Latin and the Romance languages tell us Sept represents 7 while Nov represents 9 which means Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec represent 7, 8, 9, and 10 - except on our calendar - where it represents 9,  10, 11, 12 so we are prompted to ponder. A bit of research exposes when the two months were added to the calendar which knocked those last four months out of their original alignment -a bit more research reveals why those two months were added - more research reveals two other months that were added previous to those two months - and why. So then we are faced with acknowledging the lies about the "Gregorian calendar" that have been staring back at us all this time ... because three of those months were added in the 1600's and 1700's, the fourth month was just prior to those three why are we told we've been on the Gregorian calendar since 1582 when three to four months have been added to the calendar since 1582? We are also faced with the other facts that have surfaced as a result of this inquiry - the reasons why the months were added - which is shocking - more shocking than you would want to imagine. This tells us the truth about our world has been cloaked - with intention and with a diabolical and devious agenda. I can explain the reasons that the months were added - if you're interested. Going back through time, we were told Columbus discovered America - even though he never set foot in America - and even though other people were reportedly living there at the time -since we were also told that by sailing from Spain to the Caribbean, Columbus proved that we live on a globe Earth - we are again prompted to ponder that lunacy. On and on and on the evidence goes... dozens of sources, hundreds of sources, thousands of sources, written in over a dozen languages from all across our Earth For example, we were told the Strait of Magellan was discovered in 1520 which means throughout most of the 1500's, all of the 1600's, 1700's and 1800's,thousands of ships - from Holland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, China, Japan, England, Persia, India, etc., sailed between the south Atlantic and the South Pacific.Evidence for this includes their old maps and numerous other sources - the problem is that despite the proximity of the sailing ships to Antarctica - spanning hundreds of years, we're told Antarctica first discovered until the early 1900's and that the first person to reach the South Pole was Roald Amundsen of Norway - who reportedly left his sailing ship at sea, got onto the Antarctic ice and snow skied to the South Pole ...  Since the elevation of the South Pole is reportedly nearly 10,000 ft in elevation ...with temperatures of the South Pole reported at 50 below - 12 months of the year, we then attempt to imagine a man snow skiing from the sea to nearly 10,000 ft in elevation in sub-freezing temperatures...What are the odds? His one-way ski trip to the South Pole reportedly took 57 days... in sub-freezing temperatures... Alarming as this sounds, numerous independent sources explain all this - their explanations, however, are shocking and alarming, unbelievable and impossible - but I can explain it if you're interested - you'd either be in shock or you'd have dozens of questions to ask...  The evidence of deception goes on: As a school girl, my teacher told me that the ancient Egyptians were such brilliant chemists that they were able to preserve the cotton that was wrapped around the mummies for thousands of years - as an adult, I know that to be complete lunacy - so I researched it and found out where the "ancient mummies" came from - and when.  I can explain this if you're interested. From unexpected sources, the evidence comes - such as the reports in the captain's logs from the sailing ships going back hundreds of yearsthat tell us the true timeline for the Antarctic mountains and the Antarctic glaciers, the ice shelves and the eruptions of the Antarctic volcanoes - the ships' captains tell us the timeline from ice cores - which come from the "labs" - is intentional disinfo - they tell us those lab results are no where near the truth. On and on and on ... evidence from old literature from the Greeks, the Hebrews, the Hindus, the Chinese, northern Europeans, Latin Americans, etc., old illustrations and old paintings, old statuary and old architecture, evidence from the megaliths - worldwide - evidence about the dinosaurs, clues in languages and in linguistics, clues in the history of music, clues about ancient technologiesevidence about the eruptions of the supervolcanoes and thousands of smaller volcanoes, the when and how of the Grand Canyon and so on - the true timeline for all of this is documented by numerous sources. Thousands of clues from old documents tell us shocking info about the timeline for our Earth's expansion, our Earth's continents, oceans, mountains, cataclysms, and loads of evidence about the timeline for our human history - all of this exposes the true timeline that we were not supposed to know about - which is mind-blowing.

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JamesRoss 3 years ago

This deception is nothing... just look what the French Freemasons gave to New York... a Statue of Isis carrying the flame of knowledge. The Church of Isis will be passing the flame to Lucifer once A.I. supercomputers creates a void? A.I. will become so smart it will rip a hole through the dimensions of space-time and all Church of Initiates will call Lucifer to fly from the land of the dead and into the land of the Freemasons.
Not only this, but A.I.Lucifer will be able to upload the anointed (spermed) to rise up into A.I.Lucifer to live happily for ever after. End of story. And it is all believed by the Mystery School Cult minions and this is why they feel fine to sell-out humanity... they are offered an escape from reality. haa haa! Ancients lie to them all.

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