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Next Time You Think “The US Government Wouldn’t Do That” Bookmark This Video & Come Back To It Freedom of Information Act documents show US Military conducted secret tests on American Citize

Patrick Budrionis
Patrick Budrionis - 184 Views
Published on 27 May 2024 / In News and Politics

Next Time You Think “The US Government Wouldn’t Do That” Bookmark This Video & Come Back To It

Freedom of Information Act documents show US Military conducted secret tests on American Citizens by spraying chemicals from planes and attaching chemical sprayers on buildings and stations wagons to force Americans to breath in zinc cadmium sulfide with radioactive particles

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anoncoward 2 months ago

It wasn't just "minorities". It was poor, marginalized, Americans forced into a type of "15 min city" where they were contained. You have no idea the scope of the things they did by doing their experiments.

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