The New World Order’s Secret War Against Free Speech Has Been Blown WIDE OPEN by Historic Congressional Hearings! – FULL SHOW 03/10/23
The New World Order’s Secret War Against Free Speech Has Been Blown WIDE OPEN by Historic Congressional Hearings! – FULL SHOW 03/10/23

remember how serene clean kitchen is after diner : purge generates same plenitude without w, cheney, soetoro, rodham, blair, dalai lama ... disturbing digestion

usually they go to vacation to corse island for staying among themselves, among terrorists on small english cottage

soetoro hides cash at juncker and holande hide out meanwhile juncker hides cash at soetoro and rama x shell bank for self incriminating own involvement in global bankruptcy pumping empty wallets filling empty wallets orchestrating staged market and trade simulating wealth and power with debt and investment :
madoff administration