The Left Continue To Lose Their Minds Over Roe v Wade Reversal
The Left Continue To Lose Their Minds Over Roe v Wade Reversal

some spell social nationalism instead of socialism national

beware they replaced national socialism by nationalism social :
check chevenement

gathering footage in lhasa during 1940s and 1950s, you will find one video record made by german crew exposing dalai lama crossing monastery yard outdoor on palanquin with several thousands monks and peasants heading down, not allowed to watch him in eyes, surrounded by bodyguard checking if everybody pledges allegiance ...
those watching dalai lama were enucleated,
this is recorded in china and germany,
do your research

tyrant of potala,
despot of lhasa,
dictator of tibet ...
pretending to be peace nobel prize does not illude anyone

dalai lama is same kind of repenting snail selling india to usa, usa to england, england to russia, russia to sea org, sea org to aum ...
expecting to survive denouncing whole hub he was depending on to survive