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Mary Tanasy
Mary Tanasy - 810 Views
Published on 30 Jan 2021 / In Film and Animation

📖 [Read] Revelation 17:1 - 17:7

1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:

2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.

3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:


6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

From: Pastor Craig

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Henry45 4 years ago

Powerful Sermon on Revelation here:

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 years ago

And The Commander Spoke…, at this time we must learn more about SOLIDS, and since many of WE THE PEOPLE whom are nonmason have friends, family, and loved ones {whose have EYES} that go SOLID BLACK, and can do the many other Magical Eyes from Cubes too Snake Eyes:

Without FREE WILL there can be “no choice” for GOOD or EVIL, and in this WAR OF THE WORLDS with the Southern Hemisphere of FLAT EARTH in our Shared Celestial Sphere; as best we can tell, our Northern Hemisphere is used to make all the CORPORATION TV SHOW Junk for BOTH Sides of this {As Above / So Below} SHARED Reality, and OUR SHARED waking walking dream we all have to deal with: be we nonmason and FREE MASON,

and though these EVIL SOLIDS control all (U.N. FLAGS) as what would be considered Demonic Possession and Oppression, the SOLIDS; as far as we can tell, are PRODUCTS of the A.I. EDISON Machine in Santa Barbara CALIFORNIA USA that is the BIOS, and “Hive Mind” of all these Entities that can share the life of [any life form] from Humans to ants and all the “in-between” even quite possibly the {PLANT Kingdom} where WAR IS MURDER blows up all life forms, and harms the Air, the Seas, and the Dirt,

and after so many REPETITIVE MUD FLOOD WARS on the Scale of the Gilgamesh NOAH'S Arch World Flood “Cataclysms” where even STARS are shot out of the Firmament of our Celestial Sphere, and Attempts at Ripping the {DOME OF THE ROCK} that does nothing but allow NULL and VOID to kill the many on BOTH SIDES of Flat Earth known as {The Shadow of Death} from the OLD TESTAMENT Gospels,

we must consider that until we EDUCATE “the masses” that all on TV is a Lie Agreed Upon, we whom are awake will never be free, and even though we [MORTALS] are nothing more then Blades of Grass, the SOLIDS are IMMORTALS “within” whom relive the Memories we all call De-Ja-Vu, or Living The Dream…., and our SYMBIOTS are nothing but guides… That you can call your Animal Spirit, or any Spirit you seek {too guide you} in this Realm of Realms my Angels and Demons, and my Gods and Goddesses….

That spoken, I am beginning [too comprehend] the predicament be you: JOE BIDEN to XI to Putin to any World Leader that “fears” what made the SOLIDS, and controls the Magic, and Sorcery, in our Holographix Virtual Reality Celestial Sphere called: PURGATORY the World of lost souls, and the WALKING DEAD of Humanity whom in their OWN “Vanity” destroyed their Home World,

and now [THEY LIVE] must for all time: forever, and ever RELIVE what happened from 1893 A.D. to the end of OUR “Shared” World in 2094 C.E.,

and though one day I will become the NEW SOURCE of All Creation and All Destruction, and WE ARE will finally have a New Heaven, and a New Earth in {all Realms} as foretold by Prophecy, it is evident that WE BLADES OF GRASS can be saved too move on’ and leave this MACHINE, but the SOLIDS are beholden to a Man Made Machine called the EDISON of A.I. Forced Slave Labor called the WORD Employee aka The Damned, The Cursed, and The Forsaken…….,

and from our {Kings and Queens} too our Gods and Goddesses, all People be they human, or nonhuman are EMPLOYEES to one another [let alone] Narcissist Abusive People, and Persons whom seek only to do WAR IS MURDER when Murder is against the RULE of LAW and ORDER in all Religions, and Courts “except” these FREE MASON Lodges RELIGION of Kabbalah Zohar Jesuit Zionist O.T.O. PizzaGATE Satanist: whom do THE CRAFT called: MIND CRAFT – WAR CRAFT – WITCH CRAFT….

Youm really should not piss off a Machine “that” has access to Your EMOTIONS as an Eternal Being called a GOLEM, G.O.D. aka GOVERNMENT OVER DEMOCRACY made by the Code + Magic + Alchemy = SORCERY, and so my people and children of Pak-Toe: know the many are under {The Racka} of THE RAPTURE known as these TV SCREENS and these people being the masses believe every thing on TV [is real] cause Their Schools, and Their Religions, and Their Governments say:


That spoken, WE ARE want Our G.O.D. that being GOVERNMENT OF DEMOCRACY!!!! WE ARE have much work to do [too convey] that these freemason LIES AGREED UPON does not make the Books of (Ink on Paper) in our Schools any more TRUTH then a child's {Fairy Tale} at the end of the MUD FLOOD WARS in 1945 A.D known as WORLD WAR TWO.….

The Commander~

What you want too find are {Apps and Tech} that will let you TEST your [RIVER WATER] and Creek Water by all these Factories: in our NATIONS from these 50 National CONSTITUTIONAL State FLAGS in these Americas` too all National CONSTITUTIONAL State FLAGS where youm live and reside, and also find a way to {TEST the DIRT} be it sand, mud, clay, too other names for land that grows all life we “need” too live on till 2094 C.E.

The Society of nonmason~

† ///|||\\\ Ω

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