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DC MEDIA - 700 Views
Published on 14 Aug 2021 / In Spiritual

We hold to the Biblical Truths found in the KJV BIBLE alone! We are not affiliated with any apostate churches, or any churches holding to ANY of the Babylonian doctrines from the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth Rome, or any of those churches, or institutions who have any tax exempted status like the 501c3, or anything close to that. The 501c3, c4 and the alike tax exempt status documents, which have clearly fulfilled prophecy in linking their church to the state and have thus, helped form the image of the beast (Rome) in uniting the church to the state. Any church who has done this has united their church and are controlled by the state.

We believe in reforming our lives into the image of God the best we can and that includes following good health:
The Word of God is our LIGHT:
Keeping the Law of God:
The Seventh Day Sabbath:
What must we do to be saved:
Death to Judgment:
State of Dead:
The Pope Is Antichrist:
Mark of (Rome) Beast:
3 Angel's Message:

If you would like to help us continue to spread the truth in these last days, please send your tithes and offerings here to continue to build up the kingdom of God full time...

With Loving Kindness,
Brother/Pastor Craig

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thelasttheologian 3 years ago

its not sunday worship

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thelasttheologian 3 years ago

Now so as not to confuse you the image of the earth beast china described in Revelation 13 that will be able to speak and force people to identify themselves with their national id mark is most likely obviously going to be the sixth trumpet 200 million weaponized legged combat drones which china is currently prototyping. So the earth beast china has several images, their currency which is worshiped with thousands of hours of labor every year by over a billion people, that is trillions of hours of labor every year of faith based worship of the fiat currency idol of china, China has its 666 biometric rfid national id card mark which is also an image and has the image of each mans face upon it, and china will be fielding the 200 million weaponized legged combat drones which will also be images idols which will be able to speak and force people to identify themselves with their 666 biometric national id card. Anyway it will take them many years to build 200 million weaponized legged combat drones even with 3d printing technologies, but all the technical advances have already been made to make it possible, with the energy density of storage or production for the drones being the least develop technology thus far but the antichrist central banking religion is spending billions on research into energy storage to this end.

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thelasttheologian 3 years ago

The image of the beast is not rome, the image of the beast which these billions of people on earth worship is the antichrist central banking religions idols abominations fiat currencies, the sea beast being America so the image of the sea beast being the dollar, and the earth beast being china its image being the yuan, in october 2016 the earth beasts image was setup as a world reserve currency which already surpassed all other world reserve currencies except the dollar, thus Revelation 13 speaks about the economic idolatry along which the world has organized itself. I heard yesterday that china was producing over one third of the consumer goods on earth, thus they are being built up rapidly.

This is really an intense video you made, I like it, very nice, let the word speak for itself and give it some visual contexts of its literal fulfillment in our day, I like your style, however, gods wrath is in general God permitting mankind to do stupid stuff which degrades itself and the earth.

Anyway rome is not that important in the biblical context, it was important for the establishment of Protestantism to defame and vilify rome, but that was 500 years ago, so dont obsess about rome. Rome has certainly done its share of evil upon the earth over the millennia but it is not the sea beast, America is the sea beast, China is the earth beast. China has already forced over a billion people to receive count the number 666=18digit citizen identity numbers upon marks biometric rfid national identity cards, the scope of the mark of the beast is china and its occupied territories.

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