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The Future of rick Sensei's Ninja Kids Dojo Homeschool

Ninja Kids Dojo ✝️
Published on 21 Jan 2024 / In Kids

January 21, 2024

About the New Curriculum

Most people would stop producing something if their income was less than their expenses, and after trying for some time to change that situation, in the case of the system I'm developing, this is not the case. I will continue to share part of my developments and work for free. In the next year and a half (approximate time it will take to fully develop the new Ninja Kids Dojo Homeschool) I will spend many, many hours and use the few resources I have to develop, write, and film it.

This I do for several reasons: I enjoy doing it, it gives me a sense of accomplishment and makes me feel good. I've been at an idle point in my life where I've been recovering from a very serious condition. A couple of times in the past few months, I've almost passed out. Slowly, slowly, I am feeling better, but I live an extremely simple life where I've suspended contact with anyone and anything that produces stress. There are days when the only conversations I have are with food shop clerks and frens here on Gab. Last but not least, the Ninja Kids lesson in my (future) dojo is the happiest and most crowded lesson. As a bonus, I help parents and kids benefit from what I believe are the great things that Ninpo can offer, be they physical, spiritual, or mental.

My present condition is the result of many years of too much stress and extreme situations, overworking in an extremely demanding environment, and asking too much from myself. I'm lucky to be alive. In 2015, when I returned from Japan, I lost my most beloved being, lost my company, and saw no path to a future. Part of me wanted to give up, but there is a bright light in my soul that, together with 40+ years of training in martial arts and, above all, my love for God, made me fight on. I developed a serious thyroids condition along with very high blood pressure. In 2018, the thyroids normalized, and after a few months, I realized that I was going to live on and survive. I have never thought of taking my own life, but in those years, I thought that my body would give up.

In 2018, after being convinced that I would make it, I opened my heart to a new cat. In a pet shop that belongs to a friend of mine, I fell in Love with Kuromi. I choose to buy and not adopt because if something happens to me, it is easier to find someone who opens their house to a beautiful cat. My life has been on the verge of life and death in many periods of my life, and my thinking, and reasoning are not the same as those of most people. This has made me further dig into Ninpo as a life system and not only a dojo activity.

As a systems engineer, I developed two major commercial systems and also programming tools for my products. I used my own database engine and GUI tools in C and Java. In 1988, one of BASF Spain's main technicians told one of my clients that my system was the only fully working one in the wholesale fruit & vegetable software market. In time, other apps worked, but at several points I had to back off sales because I couldn't handle any more clients. I had to stop programming and developing for many months twice; I hit rock bottom in 1995. In 2010, we had to close the company because of the widespread 2008 financial crisis.

The last software system I developed helped me earn a small living (though almost retired) from 2016 until 2023. It is an open-source invoicing and basic company control app that could run for months with no service or repair. Maybe one day I will publish it on my website so that someone can take it, earn a living, and help small businesses. I will cover the database engine, IDE, and other basic aspects in the Homeschool Ninja Kids Dojo course.

So, the system I am developing now, the Ninja Kids Dojo Homeschool Shodan course, is my tool for earning a living and helping children for the next 15 or 20 years. People like me don't retire; my Sensei 'retired' at 93 years of age and am sure still teaches 2 or 3 top Japanese instructors. So far, the videos and notes have been a prelude, a learning process for me, and an experiment. I am now preparing a full Ninpo system for homeschool kids to learn at home that benefits both parents and kids. Maybe no one will subscribe to this course for now, but once it is developed and perfectioned I will promote it and even make a teacher's training program. I will keep on sharing free stuff for those of you who watch the videos and hopefully teach it to your kids.

It is a great challenge for me to cover all the areas and themes I propose in the curricula, I am now already starting to enjoy it and having lots of fun developing it. This week's video will not be a normal lesson; I will cover what I've just mentioned as well as the goals, areas, and future timetables.

Very respectfully,
rick Gonzalez, 10th Dan
優秀 ShihanJanuary 21, 2024

About the New Curriculum

Most people would stop producing something if their income was less than their expenses, and after trying for some time to change that situation, in the case of the system I'm developing, this is not the case. I will continue to share part of my developments and work for free. In the next year and a half (approximate time it will take to fully develop the new Ninja Kids Dojo Homeschool) I will spend many, many hours and use the few resources I have to develop, write, and film it.

This I do for several reasons: I enjoy doing it, it gives me a sense of accomplishment and makes me feel good. I've been at an idle point in my life where I've been recovering from a very serious condition. A couple of times in the past few months, I've almost passed out. Slowly, slowly, I am feeling better, but I live an extremely simple life where I've suspended contact with anyone and anything that produces stress. There are days when the only conversations I have are with food shop clerks and frens here on Gab. Last but not least, the Ninja Kids lesson in my (future) dojo is the happiest and most crowded lesson. As a bonus, I help parents and kids benefit from what I believe are the great things that Ninpo can offer, be they physical, spiritual, or mental.

My present condition is the result of many years of too much stress and extreme situations, overworking in an extremely demanding environment, and asking too much from myself. I'm lucky to be alive. In 2015, when I returned from Japan, I lost my most beloved being, lost my company, and saw no path to a future. Part of me wanted to give up, but there is a bright light in my soul that, together with 40+ years of training in martial arts and, above all, my love for God, made me fight on. I developed a serious thyroids condition along with very high blood pressure. In 2018, the thyroids normalized, and after a few months, I realized that I was going to live on and survive. I have never thought of taking my own life, but in those years, I thought that my body would give up.

In 2018, after being convinced that I would make it, I opened my heart to a new cat. In a pet shop that belongs to a friend of mine, I fell in Love with Kuromi. I choose to buy and not adopt because if something happens to me, it is easier to find someone who opens their house to a beautiful cat. My life has been on the verge of life and death in many periods of my life, and my thinking, and reasoning are not the same as those of most people. This has made me further dig into Ninpo as a life system and not only a dojo activity.

As a systems engineer, I developed two major commercial systems and also programming tools for my products. I used my own database engine and GUI tools in C and Java. In 1988, one of BASF Spain's main technicians told one of my clients that my system was the only fully working one in the wholesale fruit & vegetable software market. In time, other apps worked, but at several points I had to back off sales because I couldn't handle any more clients. I had to stop programming and developing for many months twice; I hit rock bottom in 1995. In 2010, we had to close the company because of the widespread 2008 financial crisis.

The last software system I developed helped me earn a small living (though almost retired) from 2016 until 2023. It is an open-source invoicing and basic company control app that could run for months with no service or repair. Maybe one day I will publish it on my website so that someone can take it, earn a living, and help small businesses. I will cover the database engine, IDE, and other basic aspects in the Homeschool Ninja Kids Dojo course.

So, the system I am developing now, the Ninja Kids Dojo Homeschool Shodan course, is my tool for earning a living and helping children for the next 15 or 20 years. People like me don't retire; my Sensei 'retired' at 93 years of age and am sure still teaches 2 or 3 top Japanese instructors. So far, the videos and notes have been a prelude, a learning process for me, and an experiment. I am now preparing a full Ninpo system for homeschool kids to learn at home that benefits both parents and kids. Maybe no one will subscribe to this course for now, but once it is developed and perfectioned I will promote it and even make a teacher's training program. I will keep on sharing free stuff for those of you who watch the videos and hopefully teach it to your kids.

It is a great challenge for me to cover all the areas and themes I propose in the curricula, I am now already starting to enjoy it and having lots of fun developing it. This week's video will not be a normal lesson; I will cover what I've just mentioned as well as the goals, areas, and future timetables.

Very respectfully,
rick Gonzalez, 10th Dan
優秀 Shihan

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