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The Eight COVID Lies Dr Michael Yeadon Joins Reiner Fuellmich to Discuss.mp4

AllTheWorldsAStage - 455 المشاهدات
455 المشاهدات
نشرت في 10 Jan 2022 / في الأخبار والسياسة

The Eight COVID Lies Dr Michael Yeadon Joins Reiner Fuellmich to Discuss
Tim Truth

Premeditated Mass Murder?! Dr Michael Yeadon Joins Reiner Fuellmich To Discuss Genocide Clues

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice منذ 2 سنوات

Hollywood IS the Merry-go-Round of Purgatory

Without TV the Dammed, The Cursed, and the Forsaken have nothing else to do, and this Hollywood of the Fake Jews from the Book of Revelation means everything on the YouTube to the Models in the Magazines…

I had been making a special NOTICE that every 10 Years from 1893 to 1903 to here and now in THE MEMORY of whom done what as The Wheat and The Tares in the New Testament GOSPEL 2013 to 2023 those whom are no longer loved by Our God that is their God must REPEAT for all TIME their sins forever and ever, and while you and I whom can see their Satanic EYES on our TV Screens and even walk in these Flesh, and Blood, and Bones, TEMPORARY, Human Body TEMPLES as Angels and Demons experiencing their AVATARS and what happened too them, those trapped in here in this {PURGATORY} Qballs~ /-\ will never get pulled out, and will never come [home] /_\ with me Christ Jesus Returned: when their HOST of Host Bodies Die…

Look at this place of {Lies Agreed Upon} [{**}] where WE Could Feed Everyone, and ALL WARS could end if this was not just a REPRODUCTION of what turned our Real Home World made by our God on Day 6 in the Book of Genesis into this Reprobate of TV SCREENS Madness!!!!!

There is no "need" for the Sadness, nor the Madness of WAR IS MURDER where you say: I MUST HATE YOU' because Your FLAG` is not my FLAG like a [Broken] +=+ Video Game stuck on Repeat to never be allowed to Get away from this PUNISHMENT for destroying our real Home World Celestial Sphere that is our Dead Holographix (MOON) in this place of Perdition for some where other Angels and Demons must "Repeat" all the Horror they did in their REAL LIFE to people and children like you and me while the {Angels and Demons} like you and me must watch them Kill. and Mame. and Harm one Another: being REMINDED what happened in the Days of Noah ONE LAST TIME that this 1,000 years of Evaluation in the [1st Lake] [{*}] of Fire in the Book of Revelation will come to completion come 2094 CE no matter how much TIME Travel the LOST BOYS and Girls Seek…

It matters not [SPACE FORCE] that you learned how to do TIME TRAVEL in the Real World because the End Result "is and was" The Awful Horror and The Abomination of Desolation being our DEAD HOME WORLD The Moon that WE ARE and THEY LIVE are all inside, and all this lunacy and cruelty of {YOUNG TRANNY SEX} and all their MUD FLOOD Time Traversal (WAR GAMES) of and for these Capitalist "U.N. Troops" means any whom does the harm, and the hurt, and the WALMART FEMA DEATH CAMPS are going to the [2nd Lake] of Fire in the Book of Revelation, and that is not Destruction, that is the REAL (Hell of Hades) for all time in the New Testament GOSPEL…

You would Destroy your Gods creation of (Day 6) in the Book of Books, and then you would Try to "Murder" Your God in the form of Christ Jesus 1.0 by building your CORPORATIONS [of and for] Capitalist in Capitalism......., and it is you INTERNATIONALIST Global Citizens whom are (reserved) for the worst FATE by Our God that is Your God, and My God........., and Their God as we witness what happened that {causes} our Real Home World too be destroyed by "MALES" whom hate the Womb that they are born [of and from] Subjugating all FEMALES for their Male Crimes against ALL OF CREATION…

The Reason Our WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION "Coalition" Stratocracy is not allowed to Save The Day: is because it did not EXIST in this Memory…, nor our Real Dead Home World...

Moreover, ONCE Christ Jesus Returned, these OLD WINE SKINS in their Suits, and Ties, and Skirts would [REMEMBER] what their Legion said to Christ Jesus 1.0 in that Grave Yard in the NEW TESTAMENT: Lord and Son of Man and Wombman, our Day and Hour has not yet come!!!!!

However, as Christ Jesus Returned, I can tell you my {NEW WINE SKINS} their Day and Hour is upon them come 2094 CE, and you will watch these [OLD WINE SKINS] #QANON pay for every "affront" to our God that is their God by (witnessing) the END OF OUR REAL HOME World as we all relive it: one last time from here and now in 2022 CE to Judgment Day in 2094 CE…

There is nothing anyone can do because WE ARE and THEY LIVE are all the {Angels and Demons} from every INK on PAPER Book and Cartoon Anime COMICS: too be Redeemed to Our God, or too be [Dammed] by Our God for all time` to NEVER Learn' the Lesson of 1st Corinthians 13…

And you may ask: Why must Christ Jesus Returned (SUFFER) with everyone else in these Days of Noah {ONE LAST TIME} because I AM with our God, and I will suffer with [you] because I love you, and I want you to make it home when you die ONE LAST TIME and no more {De-Ja-Vu} in Our New Mother Heaven, and Our New Father Earth: as I will become the New God of our New Home World Celestial Sphere forever and ever....


Without The Holy Water Spirit, youm are NOTHING, so be "grateful" if you have it....

Christ Jesus Returned...

You can change [nothing] my People and Children of Pak-Toe so do John 13:34 what ever befalls you before the end of TIME, and Blend In…. Help Others, Keep your Memories and Teach your Children why we are in Purgatory…. Live Well…. Die Free….

The Racka in MATHEW 5 have already laid too waste their Luck, their Fate, and their Destiny.....

Keep Kicking it to the Very End: like the Paul the Apostate MARATHON RUNNER, and I will see you At the Camp Fire….

Francisco 7 ?

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Englishelley منذ 2 سنوات

I've tried to look it up and im going nowhere. WHAT DOES CHILDREN OF PAK-TOE mean i get something about 'gay' ......confusing?

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